Chapter 2: The Arrival

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Just a reminder that Josie will be in this chapter because Nessie will be texting her before Jake comes over. Also along with that when Josie found out Nessie was a vampire she also found out about the wolves and you will learn that in Nessie's POV. This will be a really long chapter. Whoever is reading please review if you don't have a Wattpad then just message me and I will tell you my email. Please review!!!!! Thanks! Peace ♥ (Also I should mention that when Jake says patrol he means that he and the pack run around La Push and further making sure everything is okay since they are wolf's they protect their own land). Alright enjoy!!!!! Review please!!! :D ♥ (Also when Jake says Billy wheeled himself it's because Billy is in a wheelchair, it was never fully explained in the movies but in the books it was I won't get into why Billy is in a wheelchair maybe if I ever decide to do his POV and the pack ( all the wolves phase when they have meetings and when one of them phases and one is in wolf form they can hear each others thoughts.) Enjoy review please! :) :D ♥

~ Madridrome :D

Jake's POV

I woke up to the birds chirping  and the sunlight streaming in my window, today was the day I would see my Renesmee, my reason for existing! I haven't seen Renesmee ever since she turned 13 and got her um um um well Oh my god Jake be a man and say it, her period, and that day she told her parents that she didn't want to see me anymore. I was very hurt by this and knew that she was too because I could feel it. I knew that this wasn't what Renesmee wanted it was probably Edward and his stupid mind reading. I come over to the Cullen's occasionally but for some reason every time I come over Nessie is never there, and the more I thought about it the more I realized maybe she didn't want to see me. My thought process was broken when my dad Billy came into the kitchen.

"Hey son, you okay you look a little ill?" my dad asked me while wheeling himself to the coffee maker.

"Yeah dad I'm fine just really tired, patrol ran late last night." I answered my dad while taking out some orange juice from the fridge.

"So Jacob your seeing Ness for the first time in 4 years are you sure you're gonna be okay." My dad asked me in a concerned voice.

"Dad, c'mon I'm the Alpha I'll be fine you know I can handle myself they are all just a bunch of bloodsuc...... I stopped myself I couldn't call them that anymore, they are all just a bunch of vampires." I told my dad and then went to go make myself some cereal.

"Right son, nice save by the way you almost called them bloodsuckers." My dad told me laughing and then picking up a newspaper to read.

"Oh thank goodness nothing crazy is going on around here, that's a good thing we don't need anymore chaos." My dad told me while looking up from the newspaper.

"Well dad there hasn't been much action, listen old man I have to go, busy day today and I need to call a quick pack meeting before I go and see Renesmee." I told my dad while putting my breakfast in the sink.

"Alright son be careful and tell the Cullen's I say Hello." My dad hollered as I ran up to my room to get changed and then after that I ran outside and phased. The moment I phased I called a pack meeting.

"Alright guys I am seeing Renesmee for the first time." I said to them

"Wow Jake it's been four years and well now she's almost 16 I bet you'll be gawking when you see her!" Embry said in a playful voice.

Embry was the oldest of the guys who hasn't imprinted yet along with Seth and well one day they both will. There's also Collin and Brady but they are only 13 so they still have a lifetime to go. There's also Paul and Jared. Paul is my brother in law to be because his imprint is my older sister Rachel. Paul imprinted on her a couple years ago while Rachel was walking on First Beach. He proposed to her after the whole Volturi battle, he proposed to her because he realized that life has it's chances. They will be married sometime in late spring, now Jared on the other hand is married to Kim. He and Kim have been together for quite a while they were actually the first couple right after Sam and Emily to be married. Jared and Kim are expecting a child that will be due in the summer and the baby is a girl. Sam and Emily are also expecting a kid, and their kid is going to be due in the spring, Emily is having twin boys. Well us wolf's have a lot on the way. Anyway I stopped my thoughts and was now going to say a little something to Embry.

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