one - meeting Harvey

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"Here's one of the things I learned that morning: if you cross a line and nothing happens, the line loses meaning. It's like that old riddle about a tree falling in a forest, and whether it makes a sound if there's no one around to hear it."
-Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Harvey Northman died.

In a small town, news travel fast, and by lunchtime, nearly everyone in Northwood High has heard about the case. People are eager to gossip, and according to their logic, the more exaggerated they make the story sounds to be, the more people will talk to them. This is a great opportunity for those of lower social status to rise up the social ladder, and an opportune timing for the popular clique to gossip. But one girl in particular don't really enjoy the rumors being spread of a dead guy.

Celeste Richmond didn't know Harvey. In fact, in all of their years spent at the same school, they have never been in the same class, which of course means that they barely spoke more than five words to each other. They aren't close, but even she knows her ethics.

"Celeste, have you heard -"

She stops her best friend from saying more by holding up a hand. She has had enough of hearing about Harvey for the entire morning; she does not need to hear anymore. Beth's mouth curls into a pout and she changes the topic.

Beth is short for Bethany. Bethany Warbler's mother is the local baker of the one and only bakery shop two streets down the school, located right at the heart of the small town. They are down-to-earth people, a family who enjoys giving more than taking. Celeste and Beth have known each other since middle school, and she knows she can always count on her. Except for her secrets, that is. Once in middle school, Celeste told Beth about her crush and by the next morning, everyone knew about it. Since then, she sworn to never speak a word of her secrets to Beth.

They saunter down the corridor. Further down is the school library. Celeste is supposed to get some reference books for her English lesson, and Beth decides to tag along at the last minute. Her decision isn't surprising. True, they have other friends, but none they are really close to aside for each other. Celeste guesses their introvert personality keeps people away.

The librarian sitting behind the reception desk greets them jovially. Back in their freshman days, they always visit the library after school. Now two years later and they still haven't changed. Mrs. Moore is more than happy to welcome them into the quiet space of the library. She likes them, especially Celeste. Something about the girl makes her heart go soft.

"Good afternoon, Mrs, Moore," Celeste greets respectfully. Beth whispers a timid, "good afternoon," from Celeste's back. Mrs. Moore sighs. Beth is such an introvert; she wonders when the girl will finally get out of her shell.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Mrs. Moore asks, directing her question at the two girls. Beth blinks at her like a stone statue. Celeste replies with a, "thanks for the offer, but I need to browse through the shelves. It's just something for my English project."

Mrs. Moore nods her head. "Be on your way then. Classes are starting in thirty more minutes. Have you girls eaten?"

"Yes. Thanks for asking."

They exchange a few more words and then they are off. The reference section is at the back of the library. They pass by the janitor closet and all of a sudden Celeste feels cold. Beth shudders at the sight of the door. "They say Harvey's body was found inside the closet," Beth fills her in.

She brushes her words off with a wave of her hand."Those kids like to exaggerate. You know that."

"But all of them said the same thing," Beth protests.

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