I remember..

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   Dream groaned and fluttered open his eyes. Two people hovered over him. He couldn't recognize them, but then again, his vision was still fuzzy. He sat up slowly and groaned again, clutching his head. He felt a bandage wrapped around his one eye.

"What happened?", he managed to mumble. The two blurry figures in front of him looked at each other uncertainly.

"We're not really sure what happened", the shorter one said.

"We just found you in the forest, and your head was bleeding, so we took you back to our place where Techno fixed you up!", the taller explained.

Dream blinked blankly. The name Techno sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place where it was from.

A deep voice sounded behind Dream as his vision started to clear and become normal.

"You alright Dream?", he asked. Dream turned around and looked the man up and down. He had pink hair and pig ears, with pale skin and blood red eyes that matched his regal outfit.

"H-how do you know my name?", Dream stuttered.

"I know you", was all the pig hybrid said.

Dream had a confused look on his face but turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The ravenette was crouched down, looking him in the "eyes".

"I'm Sapnap, your boyfriend, remember?", The ravenette said, shaking him a bit. Unbeknownst to Dream, the duo had been talking about how obliviously hot he was.

"No, I am!", the brunette broke in.

"Don't listen to him, I am!", Sapnap shouted.





"For the love of god, shut up!", Techno said sternly after watching the two bicker continuously. "Honestly, it's pathetic, I mean I'm right here, and I don't have brain damage or temporary memory loss", he added.

Dream looked back over at Techno, who picked him up and held him bridal style.

"I'm your boyfriend, remember Dream?", Techno whispered softly in his ear, not pressing him or yelling so he'd get overwhelmed.

George and Sappynap watched, dumbfounded, and Sapnap felt ashamed.

Suddenly all the memories came rushing back into Dream's head. He couldn't remember the two figures, so he concurred that he never met them before, and he didn't remember why or how he had hurt his head, but everything else came back in a flash.

Dream looked up into Techno's eyes and smiled happily.

He snuggled into Techno's chest and softly said, "I remember"...


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