MCC Sweet Hearts

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    Techno laughed. He was having a lot of fun. MCC was always fun. But there was a new addition that made it better. Dream. He was amazing, and he looked so happy.

Every time Techno saw Dream's light expression, his insides felt all melty and gushy. But in a good way, not a disgusting way.

Some upon hearing him explain this would immediately diagnose it as love. But Techno shook that off. Him and Dream were only friends.. right?

Techno denied it, but that made him realize he was in denial. The first stage..

As he thought about it more and the Championships went on, he realized that he looked at Dream, a lot.

Dream had noticed that Techno was looking at him quite often. Dream didn't mind though, because he liked Techno. Maybe he's finally noticing me, Dream thought.

He smiled at the thought before quickly getting knocked out of it as the loudspeakers came on, announcing that the last game would be starting soon.

Dream scampered off to find Techno, who was hanging out with Burren and Michael. Dream snuck up behind and jumped onto his back, wrapping his arms around his neck in a hug.

"Boo!", he shouted, laughing. Techno jumped a little and sighed as he realized it was only Dream. He started laughing too, and soon all 4 of the friends were laughing. "Calling all remaining teams, Dodgebolt is starting, please head to your sides", the person over the loudspeaker said.

Techno started speed walking over to the Dodgebolt arena. Dream clung onto him for dear life, while Michael and Burren followed, looking at each other with a look that said,"Yeah, those two are perfect for each other."

Eventually, they were down to the last round. It was just Dream and HBomb. HBomb took a shot and missed. He went again and Dream narrowly dodged it. Dream got his two arrows and struck.

The arrow flew through the air. Time seemed to slow. And the arrow pierced something. It pierced HBomb. HBomb disintegrated, signifying he had died, and he respawned up at the top with everyone else.

The crowd began cheering. Dream didn't hear them, he only heard his heartbeat. Dream closed his eyes and embraced the moment as he got teleported up to his team. Michael and Burren were shaking each other and screaming happily.

Dream opened his eyes and stared at the face in front of him. Techno looked so happy. "We won", he mouthed, and Dream nodded. Techno ran over and picked him up, twirling him around in the air.

Techno stopped and pulled him down enough so he wasn't high in the air but he was still above Techno. Their faces were no more than 2 inches away from each other. Dream leaned towards him slowly. They closed their eyes and..

Everyone seemed to cheer louder as their lips met. After what seemed like a lifetime (a sweet lifetime that is), they pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes with adoration.

Dream snuggled his head into Techno's shoulder. "I wuv you", Dream said.

"Love you too", Techno muttered, a smile forming on his face, larger than the previous.


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