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Seven; finally

Words: 848 (Sorry for the short chapter)

"Did she say, I knew it?" Rosalie was seething. We were standing in the hallway. I was very amidly protecting the girl. I was also defending Bella's right to live, maybe not as protectively, but I had Edward for that.

"No." I responded a bit too quickly.

"And why would I believe you! You've gone all soft for the stupid girl!"

"Rosalie you have to remind yourself that she already—"

"It's another good reason to kill her!" Rosalie got up in my face, but I was determined to protect the girl. Maybe it wasn't hate.

  "Guys." Carlisle interrupted. "Rose, we aren't going to kill either of them—and surely we aren't going to talk about it in front of them?"

Edward and I turned to see the two girls, Bella blushed, becoming awkward, where the other girl rolled her eyes.

"This is your fault." The girl whispered, embarrassed.

  "Shut up." Bella whispered through her teeth, blushing a deeper shade of red. It made my throat burn, but I used theonly tactic I knew. I looked at the other girl.

"Hey guys were just casually stalking you like complete weirdos." Evelynn joked, glaring at Bella.

"Shut. Up." Bella warned, but there was no threat in her face. Bella than turned to Edward, "Uh can I talk to you?"

  "Are you kidding me?!" The girl shook her head, but walked away as Edward left our family and went to the girl. I was surprised she left Bella, but maybe Edward saving Bella proved to us to be better than she thought.

  "We can talk in my office." Carlisle suggested, to give the two privacy.

  "I have to talk to her." I left out the other way. Taking the long way to the girls hospital room. Charlie was waiting anxiously, but he didn't notice me. He was calling someone.

"Hey Renee?" He said, but I passed him.

  I knocked, but opened the door. I knew she wasn't changing or anything. I would've heard the fabric moving around.

"Uh how much of that conversation did you hear?" I asked nervously. I had never been nervous in my vampire existence, but here I was.

  "Oh, uh nothing really." It was the first time I had ever seen or even heard her falter. She stuttered, a small 'uh' and her cheeks had turned a light shade of pink.

"Are you a horrible liar?" I realized, my eyes widening. Had she heard Rose?

"No," She chuckled. "But even if I was I didn't hear anything."

It seemed to be true, but why would she blush?

"She's going to find out. I won't tell her, but Bella's sort of smart when it comes to weird." She told me.

"You're actually talking to me." I made a surprised face.

  "Well yeah." She shrugged, refusing to look me in the eyes. Every time I pointed something out, well every good thing out.

  "Why?" I questioned.

   "Do you not want me to talk to you?" She raised an eyebrow.

    "No-no-i mean yes I want you to talk to me. I'm just surprised." She seemed like the person that would be easy to talk to, well she was, just not in the literal sense.

   "I mean—not to be cheesy or anything—by the way I hate cheesy stuff—not the food though—anyway you saved my life so I guess it's worth talking to you." She rambled, but it seemed she was embarrassed to even show that she cared for the act.

  "You don't owe me anything—if you don't want to talk to me, don't." It hurt saying it, but it was true I didn't want her to talk to me just because she felt she owed me something.

  "No I totally get that, but..." She didn't finish the sentence, she was awkward now. Refusing to admit it.

  "Oh, that's a bit cheesy." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  "Shut up." She hid a small smile.

  "I'm successful! One point to Jasper."

  "And how many for me?" She raised an eyebrow.

  "Like two—and that would mean two for me! I made you smile that one time." I reminded her.

  "Yeah that one time." She rolled her eyes, but her manner was playful. There was still a blush on her cheeks that made me curious and confused. Feelings that were definitely better than doubt and denial. Though those were stirring around somewhere, but hope was lingering too.

  "Well I should go, uh my family will be waiting for me." I could tell our conversation was coming to an end, but the atmosphere with all of the happy emotions wouldn't disappear until I reached Rosalie's wrath.

  "Okay. Charlie and Bella are probably heading this way anyway." She smiled.

  "Jasper three, Evelynn two." I winked, leaving her.

  I did hear a scoff and a whisper, "stupid vampires."

   Alice was waiting in the parking lot for me. Emmett and Edward had probably taken Rosalie home.

   "Finally." Alice grinned.

   "What?" I asked, still grnning from Evelynn's last comment.

   "Ugh you are so oblivious Jasper!" She groaned.

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