Two: Unwelcome Reunion

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Sabine and Ezra's mission was a success. They were able to steel Imperial plans and blow up the base. "Did you see that Stormtrooper? He was like, 'are you the bounty hunters we hired? You don't look like... AAAAAHHHHH!!! MANDALORIAN!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!'" As they laughed and talked about the stupid Stormtroopers, Sabine noticed a familiar symbol. She grabbed Ezra's arm and said, "Whatever you do, keep your guard up." He looked confused, but Sabine didn't want to explain. She took off her helmet to get a better look. "Fresh paint... no... no... this can't be happening." Before she could say anything more, she heard a familiar voice call out in Mandalorian, "Su cuy'gar, ad." 

Sabine froze, knowing exactly who that was. "Ne shab'rud'niÖ, buir!" She called back. Laughter came from the other Mandalorian as she jumped off a roof, landing nearby. Sabine saw the armor that was so familiar to her, the armor that she had known since she was a baby, and its unique lines.

Ezra stood, looking very confused, and even more so as Sabine slowly backed up to him and handed him the plans. "Let me handle this. You take the plans," she whispered to him. "Sabine, is there no warm welcome for me? No joy? No love? You would always run up to me when you were a little girl," said the other Mandalorian. "Warm welcome?! Of course there is no warm welcome, joy, or love! You abandoned me, Buir! You and the Clan!"

"Don't blame me or the Clan. You know better, Sabine."

"Don't tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me anymore!"

"But was I ever? You never followed orders anyway."

"If you're wondering how I got so stubborn, I got it from you!"

"Do we really have to argue, Sabine? Come peacefully with me to Mandalore, or I'll kill the boy."

"You'll have to kill me first!"

Buir took off her helmet and looked at Sabine. She looked exactly like she did when Sabine left Mandalore. "You'd sacrifice yourself for the boy? He's just a street-rat."

Ezra looked like he was trying to hide his anger, but was failing miserably. Before he could say anything though, Sabine said, "If only you knew what he was capable of."

But before she could say more, Buir shot at Ezra, but Sabine was quicker. She placed herself in front of the bullet, and blocked it with her hand guard. Buir looked startled as Sabine said, "You fired upon my Clanmate, now I have every right in the Mandalorian Code to fire upon you." At that, Sabine fired. Buir dodged and was able to get in close, and tackle Sabine. Her blaster got knocked out of her hand, and they battled hand to hand combat. "Good, good. You've gotten better, Sabine."

"Better than you. I've got new tricks up my sleeve," she replied. At first it seemed like Sabine was going to lose, but as her opponent drew out her blaster, Sabine lunged, grabbed the blaster, and knocked Buir to the ground. "Yield!" She shouted, the blaster pointed at Buir, her voice full of anger. "I won't. Now you have to kill me," came the reply, after a moment of stunned silence. Sabine's hand trembled as she closed her finger on the trigger. But then she whipped around and threw the blaster. "I won't— I can't— kill you, but swear on our ancestors that you'll never attempt to find me again."

"I-I swear."

"Good. If it makes you happy, I will tell you that one day, in many years to come, I will return to Mandalore. And I will have reason. What that reason is I don't know. Come Ezra, let's go."

With those words, Sabine turned and picked up her blaster and helmet. As they turned the corner, Sabine paused, and took one last look at her defeated opponent, and then walked away. "Sabine, who was that? Not that you have to tell me, it's just, you two looked alike. And I know that what happened is bothering you. You said that you couldn't kill her. So I'm just saying, if you want to talk about it, I'll listen," Ezra told her. "Sabine, please. Who was that?" Sabine couldn't meet his ice-blue gaze. Then she said,

"My mother. Ezra, that was my mother." 

*Evil laughter*

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