Four: Becoming A Jedi

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Ezra was meditating. Because Kanan never reached the rank of Jedi Master, he didn't know what to expect. Ezra must have fallen asleep, or be having a vision, because he was suddenly on Lothal. "Hello Ezra Bridger," a voice with a thick accent said. He turned around, and saw a Twi'lek, and two humans, one of whom wore... Mandalorian armor? "I am Jedi Master Aayla Secuta. This is Master Billaba, your master's master, and Andromeda Wren," said the Twi'lek, pointing to the other women. Ezra stiffened, recognizing the name Wren. Where did he know someone named Wren? "It's an honor to meet you all. May I ask why you came to me?" Andromeda spoke up. "There are many reasons why we appear to you, Ezra Bridger. Ever since Sabine met you, I've watched you." Ezra was puzzled at this. Then he realized why the name Wren had sounded familiar. She looked almost exactly like Sabine! Sabine must be related to her in some way. Andromeda went on, "You might be wondering why a Mandalorian appears with two other Jedi. I can tell you why. And why Sabine hates the Empire more than anyone else. But first we have something to show you. Master Billaba will do the honors."

Master Billaba walked toward Ezra, and held out her hand. Ezra took it, and the world seemed to spin. When it stopped, Master Billaba said, "Your test will be different then the real test, for we have watched you grow from an orphan who only thought of himself to a Padawan who thinks of his friends before him. You have already proved you are worthy of being a Jedi. Now come, let us show you what you need to know." Humbled at those words, he followed the three Jedi. He was on Coruscant. He didn't know how he knew, he just did. They soon approached a temple. "Is this, the Jedi Temple? Were the Jedi Counsel met?" Ezra asked.

"Indeed. I was once a Master Jedi. I was among the Counsel," Master Aayla said, with sadness in her voice. "Master, we are here to show the Padawan what we have to show him. And we're running out of time. Well, not us, but Sa... she could die if we don't hurry," Andromeda told Master Secuta. "Right, right. Of course. This way, and don't worry, they can't see you," Master Aayla said.

Soon they were at the top floor, and saw two Imperial officers talking to each other. "Have you seen the prisoner yet?" One of them asked.

"No, but I'm getting very familiar with her screams. Have you?"

"Yes, she is a strange one. I've never seen Mandalorian armor like that."

"That's probably because you've never seen a Mandalorian!"

"Yes I have. But the only reason I have seen her is because I was called in to torture her. Thankfully the trained torturer came in. I had no idea what I was doing!" Out of habit, Ezra tried to stay hidden, but as the officers passed right through him, he relaxed. Master Billaba motioned to hint to follow her and the others. "We want to show you who they are talking about," she said. "Come." And there, in an Imperial torture chair, looking half dead, was Sabine.

"No, no! I have to get back! I have to help her! I..." "Ezra. This has not happened yet. It will soon though. As we speak, she is being knocked unconscious. We must first make you a Jedi," Andromeda said. 

That's when he heard other voices speaking, and he knew that those were the voices of the Jedi that had gone before him. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he felt different. He also felt stunned. They were back on Ilum, the holy place of the Jedi. He was able to see himself in the ice, and he didn't look like himself anymore. His hair was now short, and he no longer wore the clothes that he had been wearing when he entered the Temple. Then a million voices all called out,

"Welcome Ezra Bridger, Jedi Knight. Take this kyber crystal, and make your new lightsaber. And remember, the Force will be with you, always."

Sorry if the chapter was bad....I know I'm not the best writer.....Chapter Five coming soon!

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