My favorite Caralorian prompts

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Cara asks Din to arm wrestle and he says yes and they do it and she just straight up starts reciting the Mandalorian wedding vows at him


(This one actually could be canon) Din doesn't share his weapons with anybody but Cara. He doesn't like anybody looking in his gun cabinet and he always keeps it closed. When Burg looked around, Din threatened him. When Mythrol was snooping, Din carbonite-froze him.

But he opens the cabinet for Cara, before she even asks. And he lets her take any one she likes! (she takes three and I think that shows real OTP material) 

Since weapons are part of a Mandalorian's religion, I wonder if giving someone your weapon is equal to giving your girlfriend a necklace or bracelet...or...dare I say it...ring?


Love triangle with Omera!

Din was super serious around Omera and everybody else in the village, but not with Cara. He was comfortable and he trusted her. Omera noticed it (especially during the handshake scene at the end of the episode) and her face showed clear jealousy. Omera and Cara both care for Din and he will always choose Cara


People mistaking them for Grogu's parents


Anything during the shippy part in episode 8, especially from Din's pov. I imagine he's just looking up at her with heart eyes because this strong beautiful woman just saved his twinky self.


Truth or dare. Need I say more?


Accidentally touching hands


Sideways staring


Sitting side by side and one of them falls asleep with their head resting on the other's shoulder


The Armorer, Greef, Peli, Boba, Fennec, Mayfeld, and literally anybody else having a secret club to try to get Cara and Din together


Holding hands in intense situations but not realizing it


Random Caralorian stuff and oneshots and spam because I'm obsessed with themWhere stories live. Discover now