Chapter 20: Choji is...

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We kept running after them, the food pellets that Choji gave us had given us some of our lost chakra back. I could sense Choji's chakra still, so I prayed that as long as I could sense it he was alive and okay.

"Amaya, he's going to be okay." Shikamaru muttered to me as we all kept moving.

"I know...but you know how I worry." I gave a soft chuckle.

"I'm just as worried as you are." He admitted though no one else could hear him. Maybe Kiba and Akamaru but I doubt they would say anything about it. I gave a small nod.

"They're not that far ahead. We can still catch up to them and get Sasuke." I stated, but suddenly Shikamaru and I saw a butterfly flying back the way we had come and in that instance I felt Choji's chakra vanish.  I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Amaya, we have to keep moving or we'll lose Sasuke." Shikamaru demanded.


"No, we have to take priority to our own mission." He fought back.I didn't want to argue at a time like this but I wasn't about to leave Choji to die.

"I'm sorry Shikamaru, but this is Choji. I won't leave him to die. I trust that you have a plan, I'll join up with you all as soon as I get Choji back to the village." He looked at me surprised.

"Amaya!" he demanded. I shook my head.

"You can't change my mind, I already lost everything once I won't lose my comrades again." I vanished back towards where we had left Choji. What I found made me want to cry. Choji was collapsed on the ground in front of the tree we had all craved our messages for him to catch up. I bent down and felt his pulse, it was very weak but it was there. I had to get him back to the village or he would die. He was heavy but I used all my strength and started heading back towards the village.

I won't let you die, Choji. I promise.


Upon arriving at the village, the two Chunin at the entrance stared at me shocked.

"Amaya! What happened to Choji?!"

"I don't have the time to explain, take him to the hospital and inform Lady Tsunade. I have to go and help Shikamaru and the others again." I handed Choji off to one of them and immediately headed back towards the others. Thanks to my wind chakra I could go a lot faster than before. By the time I got back to where the others were it was only Shikamaru and Naruto still together.

What happened while I was gone?

The pink haired girl was standing in front of them but there was no sign of the coffin that contained Sasuke.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" My fireballs surprised her, but she was able to dodge them as I landed beside Naruto.


"I told you I'd be back. Naruto where is Sasuke?"

"Some white haired freak appeared and took off with him."

"Then you go after him. Shikamaru and I will take care of this one. I know you can bring Sasuke back." I gave him a firm nod and he headed in the direction where that person must have gone. "Well shall we Shikamaru?" I smirked at him.

"Right." He smirked right back. "Since it's just us let's go with our second strategy." I gave a firm nod and vanished quickly. Our second strategy consisted of Shikamaru trapping them in Shadow Possession and then me finishing them with my genjutsu. I found a decent spot to watch as Shikamaru did the dirty work. I didn't have a lot of chakra left, so this was going to be our last chance at finishing this chick off.

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