Chapter 14: Family Talk

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Several days after that incident I was with Shikamaru and Choji for some rest and relaxation. Shikamaru and I had gotten a lot closer after our "talk," I would tell him about my childhood and my home life. About my friendship with Sasuke and Itachi and tons of other things.

"Amaya, you coming?" Choji asked when he noticed me not following them. My lungs were burning again and I couldn't speak without pain filling my body. Shikamaru walked over and picked me up bridal style. I gasped and slightly blushed as he walked with Choji.

"If your chest was hurting all you had to do was say something." He looked down at me.

"Whatever." I puffed out, crossing my arms, trying to act tough. All the while my heart was beating rapidly in my chest.

"What the heck are you three doing?" We all looked to see all of Team 7 standing there confused.

"Going to get lunch." Shikamaru stated annoyed.

"Why are you carrying, Amaya?" Sasuke glared at him. It was strange, because he was acting like when we were kids and picking fights with boys who came near me.

"Why do you care?" Shikamaru retorted back.


"You haven't spoken to her in years, why should you care about her at all?" Shikamaru was getting angry which was just as surprising as Sasuke's reaction.

"Hey chill, Shikamaru." Choji tried to deescalate the situation.

"Enough!" I blurted out, pushing myself free of his arms. "He's not wrong, Sasuke. You haven't said anything to me since that day and now suddenly you want to act like you're my friend again?" I frowned. "I wanted a friend all those years ago, when my entire world was flipped upside down. Someone who knew what I was going through, but you turned your back on me. Why should I give you my attention when you couldn't be bothered back then?" Sasuke looked down, he knew I was right. "Let's go guys." I pulled Shikamaru and Choji into the restaurant we were outside of.

"Everything alright?" Shikamaru asked as we all sat down.

"Yeah...let's just eat something." Choji cheered excitedly at that and made both Shikamaru and I laugh. He was amazing at breaking awkward tension.


Later that day I was heading back to my old apartment to pick up somethings that I hadn't had the chance to grab. The place was almost completely empty, but the first thing I noticed was the sheet of paper folded on my bed.

"Could you go grab the last bag from the closet?" I asked Shikamaru.

"yeah sure." He disappeared down the hallway. I walked over to the bed and opened the note:


I know I can never makeup for what happened and what I let happen between us all these years. I want to talk to you, just us. If you're willing come to the bridge tonight.


My head spun, Sasuke had wanted to talk? What about? I shoved the letter into my ninja pouch as Shikamaru came back into the room with the bag.


"Yeah." I walked out with him as we went back to the house. He set my bag down in my room.

"Want to go sit outside?" He asked.

"Actually, I want to get some rest. not feeling too great." I somewhat lied.

"Alright, just call me if you need anything." He said, shutting the door behind him as he left. I laid down, staring up at the ceiling. The sun was starting to set so I needed to make a decision on whether I was going to meet Sasuke or not tonight. I was curious about what he wanted to talk about but I also wasn't sure I would be okay to make the trip there and back with my lungs. I finally decided to go though. I created a clone to lay in the bed, in case someone peeked in. I hopped out the window slowly and made my way over to the bridge, by the time I made it there my lungs were on fire. The sun was gone, the moon slowly rising.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." I jumped as Sasuke's voice came from behind me.

"Don't do that." I demanded, holding a knife in my hand. "I almost threw a knife at you."

"Sorry." We walked to the edge of the railing.

"So what do you want?"

"To apologize."

"You apologized in your letter, don't tell me I walked all the way out here for that?" I muttered.

"No, I wanted to thank you for saving Sakura." I was surprised.

"You don't have to thank me. I wasn't going to let her or you guys get killed, even if she is a little annoying at times." I explained.

"Yeah, well she gave it everything she had." I gave a small nod.

What about that mark on your neck?" I asked, looking out over the water.

"I don't know..."

"I...don't like it. It changed you..." I whispered.

"Amaya..." I looked at him. "I'm sorry." He disappeared after this words.

"Sasuke..." I muttered before turning to head back to the house. Shikamaru was standing there looking annoyed and tired.

"Why are you here?" He demanded. So he hadn't seen Sasuke.

"Wanted to get some fresh air. Had a bad dream." He sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He wasn't happy about being up so late. "I'm sorry." I mumbled as we walked back.

"Its alright, let's just go home and sleep." I nodded.

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