*under revision* Engravings

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"Hey, Beau." Ritual puts her hands on his shoulders, leaning in. "Think you're ready to start your training?"

"Oh! Yes Ma'am," the man sets his hand of cards face up, hopping over the couch. "Right away."

"You seem pretty eager." She jests, holding the door open for him.

"Well, you have to have a good attitude when you go into something new," Beau smiles as he walks into the locker room. "My papa taught me that when you go into something not liking it, chances are you never will."

"Hmph." She hums softly, amused, retrieving her old shield from its place in the corner. "Which hand do you shoot with?"

"Left, Ma'am." Beau pulls his gun from his locker, checking it before sliding it into his holster. He lifts his helmet from its hook and brushes his hair aside before sliding it on. Sitting down to lace his boots, his eyes follow the woman around the room. Ritual switches the handle. He carefully takes the shield from her, following her outside. The sky was clouded and gray, but it wasn't snowing. The wind was non-existent.

"Seems like a good day." Ritual takes a deep breath, walking over to the targets. "Alright," She suddenly turns to face him, "Go ahead and step up to the targets." Ritual orders, watching him timidly step forward. Observing his stance, she sees that he's very stiff and robotic. "Here. Loosen up." Her right hand makes contact with his plate carrier between his shoulder blades, the other hand grabbing his forearm. He stands straight at her touch before suddenly relaxing into her palm. She gently poses him like a doll, showing him how to stand and where to aim.

"Like this?" Beau asks softly.

"Yes. Now just relax and dump some mags." She encourages, watching as he stands perfectly the way she positioned and shoots the targets. He had pretty decent aim, but she needed to get him to relax. "Beau."

"Yes ma'am?" He turns around, locking eyes with her as he reloads his pistol.

"What is it that's making you so stiff?"

"It's like the first time I held a gun," Beau takes a deep breath. "I death-gripped it because I was still afraid of its capability."

"Trust yourself and your capability." Ritual reminds him, putting both hands on his shoulders. She steps up behind him and presses her chest to his back. He seems surprised as she places her hand under his arm, guiding him to aim. She rests her chin on his shoulder, listening to his heartbeat as he feels hers.

"You feel that?" She asks,  their hearts gradually syncing to each other. He nods slowly, listening to her breathing. "Good. I want you to trust your instincts. Trust your body. Fire when you feel is right."

"How will I know?" He turns slightly to look at her.

"You always do." She smiles to herself, waiting. He takes a deep breath, getting back into position. She can feel him staring down the targets, waiting as the wind halts to let their hearts be the loudest thing. After a moment, he suddenly begins lighting up every target in the range over his shield and doesn't relent until the magazine is spent. Ritual releases her grip, pacing around the man slightly as he turns to look at her. She chuckles softly and gives him a small nod. She didn't need to say a thing.

Beau watches nervously as she gazes over his form while he swings the shield back and forth, getting used to the feeling of it in his hands. 

"Ready to spar?" The woman puts her fists up, both taking the invitation and giving it, bouncing slightly back and forth.

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