Chapter 3

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Lucifer PoV

(A/N Harry is going to be called Lucifer now but people call her Mia or Lucy. A mate is practically a soulmate)

I don't know what to say. I have a family. I have cousins and aunts and uncles. I have a mate. I have a dad. I'm so happy. I seriously don't care if they are dark or not. I have a family.

"Lucifer, should we continue" Ragnok asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Yes, please" I say. "Have you allowed Albus dubmbledore, molly Weasley, Ronald weasley and Ginevra Weasley access to your potter vaults?" Ragnok asked. "No, I never said they could. I could I get my money back with interest, and block them out of my vaults, please?" I ask. I'm furious. They betrayed. The lightside betrayed their 'saviour'. "Of course, Lucifer" Ragnok said.

"Ragnok, is there a way I could have my money without coming here back and forward?" I ask. "Yes, we have cards, as in muggle world. We have cards that work in our world or both worlds. Which one would you like?" Ragnok asked. "I would like both worlds card, please" I said. Ragnok nods.

"Are you going to claim your lordship rings today?" Ragnok asked. "Yes I will" I say. Ragnok gets two gold chest, one has blood red outlining and the other has silver outlining. "The red one has your lordship rings and silver has your heirship ring. Put them on and see if they will accept you as their lady" Ragnok said. He passed me the gold chest with blood red outlining.

(A/N Next part has the rings)

They were beautiful. They all accept me and merged into one ring. A crown.

Altogether they made this one ⬆️

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Altogether they made this one ⬆️

Then Ragnok passed me the other chest with silver outlining. There was the Riddle and Gaunts rings.

 There was the Riddle and Gaunts rings

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Riddle ring ⬆️

Riddle ring ⬆️

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Gaunts ring⬆️

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