Chapter Fifteen

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**Ruby’s POV**

“For the last time; I am not going to see a doctor!” I managed to say. Niall and I had been having an argument about going to see a doctor. I know I should go because it’ll help me but it’s just, doctors actually scare me. I hate going to them because every time I do go, I freak out.

“Whatever. Come find me when you realise how much this will actually benefit you,” he replied before turning around and leaving the room.

I really shouldn’t have argued with him and I know that but I’m not going to a doctor. I understand where he’s coming from and he’s just worried about me and wants me to be better soon but I just can’t go. I should face my fears but there’s a reason it’s my fear to start with.

I curled up in bed and thought over the situation. I just wish he’d just leave it for once. I really do appreciate it and know he’s looking after me but I don’t want to go.

An hour and a phone conversation with Liam later, I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs to find Niall sitting watching a football match on TV. I made my way over and sat down beside him on the sofa.

“Ni, I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“It’s alright. Come here,” he replied before opening his arms to pull me into a hug. We just sat there with our arms wrapped around each other, my head rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

“I’ll go,” I spoke, breaking the silence.

“You will?”

I nodded. “If it’ll make you happy, then yes, I’ll go.” A grin spread across his face. I’m glad I could make him happy again.

**Liam’s POV**

I had just got off the phone with Ruby. She was telling me about her and Niall’s argument about the doctors. She must be so torn up over this; she wants to make Ni happy but at the same time she doesn’t want to face her fear, even if facing it is the only way to get over it.

My phone buzzed from beside me. I picked it up and unlocked it, smiling at the background, a warm feeling spreading throughout my body. That was weird. It’s picture of me and Niall acting stupid in the studio a few weeks ago.

‘From: Ruby x

Hey Li, just wanted to say me and Ni are okay now, thank you for helping me, do you want to come over in a bit? Since you said Libby was out, we thought you might wanna come over. Everyone else is coming too and Callum and Lily are coming for Scott, do you want to? I’ve got my appointment but I’ll be back soon xxx’

‘To: Ruby x

Sure, I’ll be over in a bit :) xxx’

I locked my phone before heading upstairs and getting changed out of my joggers and old t-shirt. I threw on some jeans and a blue t-shirt before pulling on some socks and my shoes.

I went back downstairs and grabbed a jacket out of the cupboard. I pushed my arms through the sleeves, picked up my phone, wallet and keys and left out the front door, locking it shut behind me.

It was only a five minute walk to Niall and Ruby’s, if that. It was just at the other end of the street. The harsh winter wind nipped at my face as I walked towards theirs. I shoved my hands into my pockets to keep them warm.

As I reached their house, I turned up the little path, shutting the gate behind me. I climbed up the three little steps outside their door and rang the bell. Moments later a smiling Niall appeared in front of me. Something churned inside of me when I laid eyes on him but I just passed it off as hunger considering I haven’t had much to eat today.

“Hey, Li!” he smiled.

“Hey, Ni. How are you?” I questioned as he opened the door wider to let me in.

“I’m good, thanks, you?”

“I’m alright, thanks,” I smiled. “Is Ruby back yet?”

“No, not yet. She’s been gone a while. I’m starting to get a bit worried but I’m sure she’s fine and is just being held up somewhere,” he replied.

“Of course she’s fine. It’s probably just something that’s going about.”

I took my jacket off and then we sat down on the couch. We started getting into the programme that was on TV when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” I said getting up.


“It’s okay,” I replied.

I walked to the front door and opened it to reveal a red-nosed Harry and Caitlin with the twins.

“Hey guys!”

“Hi, Liam,” they chorused.

“Scott’s upstairs in his room,” Niall said to the twins who smiled in reply before heading towards the stairs.

**Ruby’s POV**

I sighed as I left the doctors. I was greeted with a gust of cold wind as I opened the door. I made my way towards the car, desperate to get out of the cold.

I opened the door and slid inside, slamming it shut behind me. I put the keys in and twisted them, turning the car on. I cranked the heat up the full blast to get rid of my shivers.

Once I warmed up, I started driving away from the doctors. I’d finally faced my fear and I’d managed to do it alone. I couldn’t be much happier about that but something set uneasily in my stomach, I just had a bad feeling about something. Oh well.

It didn’t take me long to get home from the practise. I climbed out the car and locked it before heading inside.

When I got into the living room everyone was sitting there, talking and laughing, all except Liam. He sat there with a distant look on his face.

“Hey guys,” I said. Thankfully my voice had been coming back and I’d gotten some medication for it from the doctor I’d seen today.

“Hey, how’d it go, babe?” Niall asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Alright, I guess. I was scared at first but I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be,” I smiled.

“That’s good then,” he grinned.

I made my way over to him and sat down in the empty space beside him. His arm went protectively around my waist as I let my head drop onto his shoulder.

I observed the room as everyone talked away. I noticed Liam still hadn’t said anything but he was looking over in this direction with a sad smile on his face. Once he caught me looking at him, I sent him a questioning glance. He just shook his head and looked in the opposite direction.

I wonder what’s up with him.

A/N: SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE GUYS! I've just been really busy with school stuff and then it was Christmas (by the way, I hope you all had a good one) and I haven't been well either and also I've had writers block so... I really am sorry though guys. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm gonna try my hardest to finish this book by New Years Eve, there's only a few chapters left (16, 17 and 18) so I hope I can do it. Thank you so much for reading and sticking with this story throughout my shitty updates. Sorry again. Love you guys <3

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