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The dark sky lit up, followed by a loud clapping of thunder. You watched the loud scenery from your living room window with a cup of warm tea in your hands. Nights like this really remind you of your Hogwarts days, how you would stay up late sitting by the windows when the wind and rain were chaotic outside.

It's been a long time since you thought about your teen years, now an adult living in a beautiful home with the love of your life and your two children. You couldn't have thought of a better way to live life. The war took a lot of things, but it also brought a lot of things. That day you nearly lost Oliver, and you were certain to never let that happen again–so here you were.

You were pulled from your thoughts by a string of laughter and the padding of little feet down the hallway. You set your tea down and turned around to see your husband chasing your daughter and son around the living room.

"C'mon now, it's time for bed", Oliver huffed a little out of breath in mild frustration.

Your eyes followed as they both ran at the speed of light, Oliver behind him desperately trying to catch his hyperactive children. You laughed at his failed attempts and tried your famous trick to get them to calm down. 

You slowly walked to one of the couch in front of the roaring fire and sat down. You reached to your left to take a warm blanket and draped it over yourself before taking each end and stretching your arms to the side.

"Thomas, Katie?..." You softly called out

"Honeys, could you come here for a second–mummy's cold"

Suddenly, the sound of little feet, got closer and closer to you. Before you knew it, Thomas and Katie had both climbed up onto the couch and jumped into your arms. Upon seeing them, you closed your arms and wrapped the blanket around them, tucking it in like a little burrito. They didn't fight back like he would if Oliver were to wrap them up as you did. Instead, both Katie and Thomas just snuggled deeper into your embrace, calming down.

Oliver stood behind the three of you and kissed the top of your head from the back of the couch before coming around to sit next to you. Oliver smiled down at the three of you and extended his hand out. You shifted your gaze towards him and took his chilly hands into your warm ones.

"Mummy awe you still cold?" Thomas asked as he lifted his face from your chest to look up at you.

"No baby, I'm all warmed up now–thank you" You answered your son softly as you kissed the top of his head before brushing fallen strands brown hair from his face.

The sky then suddenly lit up again, followed by another loud clapping of the thunder. Katie squealed under you and held onto you a little tighter. You rocked them both back and forth before whispering to them, telling them it was just thunder. Oliver took this opportunity to shift closer to you and pull you in for a hug. Your muscles relaxed into him and the four of you stayed on the couch for a little while longer until you saw that both of your children were fast asleep.

You sat up from Oliver and motioned your head to your children sleeping soundly on your chest. Oliver fixed his posture and leaned down to take the sleeping children from you and brought them to his chest instead. Oliver slowly sat up and motioned for you to do the same.

"Wait for me in the bedroom, yeah?" Oliver whispered while taking closer steps to you.

You nodded and gave him a soft smile before Oliver turned around to take Katie and Thomas to their own room. You turned around and reached for your wand before tidying up the couch and turning off the fire.

You walked up the stairs leading to your room and opened the door. You continued to walk into the connecting bathroom to change into your pyjamas before coming back to your room to sit on the end of your bed. Not long after you settled, Oliver came in and softly closed the door to your room before sprinting up at you– tackling you to the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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