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I was on my way back to Coruscant from Mandalore where I accompanied my sister Padme and got to see my close friend in the Duchess Satine. Satine was always there for me but she has been there more often for me in the past couple months since the event that I do not like to talk about happened. 

As Padme and I left we noticed another ship coming into the atmosphere and I could sense someone who was strong with the force. I was about to bring the matter up with Padme but decided against it since there was no malicious intent coming from the source. I went to sit down with Padme and play holochess to pass the time. 


We arrived on Coruscant and I made sure Padme got back to her apartment even though she insisted that she would be fine on her own. I didn't give in though, refusing to take the risk of one of the few people I truly cared about get hurt or worse. 

"Thank you for bringing me back (Y/N) but don't you think you might be being a bit paranoid?" in all honesty she was not wrong. Ever since the 'event' I might have been overprotective towards Padme no matter how many times she insisted she could take care of herself. 

"I'm sorry, it's just I don't want to lose anyone else" I replied. She gave me a look of sympathy and put her hands on my shoulders.

"(Y/N) it wasn't your fault what happened, you couldn't have done anything to prevent it. I'm not going anywhere" She said. "You keep training and you'll get your revenge on Greivous for what he did" she finished.

I smiled at her and said "Revenge isn't the jedi way and that doesn't sound like something you would say anyway" she returned the smile and said

"It's not, I was testing you. I'm glad you know better than to break the code"

I could barely hold back a smirk at the comment "Anyway, I need to get back to the council and put in my report. Say hi to Anakin for me" I said as I turned around and started walking back to the speeder 

"Yeah of cours- WAIT what did you say?" Padme yelled out at me.

"Nothing..." I said with a smirk still walking. She could never confirm I knew about her marriage as I never directly approached her with my knowledge of it but make no mistake I am well aware of the couple. I wouldn't be surprised if others had too. 

I got in the speeder and started on my way back to the temple as it was about 10pm at this point. Talking to Padme helped a little and messing with her helped a lot more to lift my spirits.

*Small timeskip

I got back and was met by master Yoda in the hangar bay. I walked up to him and bowed out respect for the grand master of the jedi council. He gave me a soft and warm smile in return. "Padawan, good to see you it is. News for you the council has" he started. "Come when ready you will" I gave him a soft nod of understanding even though I was greatly confused. I walked to the mess hall where I got the normal unappetizing food which consisted of some plain corn, carrots, and some meat from who knows what.  I looked around and contemplated where to sit even though the room was pretty empty as it was a bit late to be having dinner. My eyes landed on someone familiar... Anakin. I walked over to him and sat down across from him. He looked up at me and gave me a small friendly smile. For the most part I enjoyed Anakins company and always supported the idea of him being my sisters partner even though I never showed it. 

"Hello (Y/N) how was Mandalore ?" He asked 

"I'm alright, Mandalore was nice and I got to spend time with Padme" His eyes lit up at the mention of my sisters name. It brought me some amusement. 

"Padm- I mean senator Amidala was on Mandalore?" He asked 

"Yes... you weren't looking for her, were you?" He suddenly shifted obviously uncomfortable in his seat trying to think of a way out. 

"Of course not I am just glad one of our Senators is safe" He responded. That was quite a weak excuse in my opinion. I decided to stop messing with Anakin no matter how fun it truly was and I instead made small talk with him until he had to go. 

I was done with my food but couldn't help but wonder and at the same time worry about what the news was that master Yoda spoke of. I sat pondering on about it. Am I in trouble? Are they knighting me? No they wouldn't knight me I'm only 17. I ended up with nothing and couldn't take not knowing anymore. I headed down the halls of the temple towards the council meeting room. As I got to the meeting room the temple guards at the door turned to me and one of them said "You have been expected" I nod and go inside the room to find the council there whether in physical form or as a hologram. However I noticed one seat was empty.

"Welcome Padawan" Master Mundi says. 

"Good Evening Masters"

"Know why this meeting was called, do you?" Master Yoda asks 

"No master" 

"It is a matter of your absence of a master padawan" said a voice of the man I am not so fond of to say the least... Jedi Master Mace Windu. Now for the reason of why I do not necessarily like this man is pretty simple... he is an asshole. Just last year he attempted to destroy my relationship with Padme. He claimed it was because I had formed an attachment to her which maybe I did. I never understood the rule about attachment I always found it quite pointless and if anything I believed it did more harm than good. In my mind I always thought that if we were supposed to be caring defenders of the peace then why shouldn't  we be able to have people close to us that we care about. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when Master Plo the man that brought me to the jedi temple when I was only 4 years old started to speak. "Indeed it is my young friend. We gave you more time than usual to grieve for the passing of your late master because we were not quite sure who available should help you and resume your training in the force but we have decided on who it should be" I was getting assigned a new master. I looked at Master Plo with excitement, nervousness, but mostly curiosity as who it could be I mean it took them three months to decide who it would be. The more time they took to choose my new master the higher my expectations got. At this point I expected my new master to be someone on the council. If I got to choose I would have chosen master Plo or master Fisto and I swore to myself that if master Windu was my new master I would leave the order. 

"Who is it?" I asked 

"None other than master Kenobi it will be" Master Yoda said. Now I wasn't too familiar with that name I believe I have heard Anakin talk about him a couple times but to be honest I tend to tune out when Anakin is talking. 

"I don't believe I have met him Masters" I said 

"No worry for the time for introductions will be tomorrow at your first day of training with him and I believe you will be accompanied by Master Skywalker and his padwan" Master Fisto told me. I wasn't aware that Anakin had a padawan, I wonder how they convinced him to take one on after all he does not seem to be the teaching type. 

I smiled and nodded before being dismissed by the council but on the way out Master Plo walked beside me as he joined me in my walk back to my personal chambers. "One more thing (Y/N), tomorrow you will be reassigned chambers to make room for the incoming younglings to be together" I nodded to him as we neared my chambers. "Goodnight (Y/N) and good luck on training tomorrow"

"Goodnight Master Plo" I responded as I went inside and closed the door. I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed and after a while came out in sleepwear(just some sort of pants). I got into bed and started to think about things while dozing off with my last thought being about training tomorrow with my new master and Anakin and someone else.

I will be trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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