Chapter 2: Nandz Murthy

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A/N : Thank you all for liking and voting for this story and giving it a chance.

This warm welcome means a lot to me, and I promise I wont disappoint you guys with the story! Do read, vote, share and comment - I will know your views on this and that helps me as a writer!

Much love,




Nandz. Well, that was who I was all those years back. When I was this young, silly, monkey out on a journey of self-exploration. I still believe it was hard work that landed me with that internship at MMH, and it was hard luck that he came there too.

Well, maybe I could argue on the hard luck bit for various reasons, but I guess I will leave that for you to decide whether it was hard luck or good luck that we met and shared the moments we shared!

I met him for the first time in the office elevator on my first day at work. I was just twenty and it was my first brush with the corporate world. Everybody around was formally dressed and looked intimidating. I had tried my level best to be at my formal best, but damn my memory for missing out on picking up formal shoes! With a lot of convincing from Aliya and Navu, I decided to team my formal dress with a toned down grey stilt. There I was in the elevator with a bunch of others, I was so intimidated that I stood with my head bent, staring at my shoes - that was when I noticed - from the array of five pairs of shiny polished formal shoes, peeped a pair of white and white clumsily tied jogging shoes. I frowned and followed my gaze up to the pair of blue distressed denims that popped out of the shoes, they were ripped at places, and held together by an outlandishly flashy belt. I saw a pair of hands tucked inside the denim pockets - one hand had a lot of different wristbands while the other sported a broad brown leather band, with a guitar graphic on it. My eyes slowly moved from the white tee shirt matched with a tan leather jacket, with lots of useless batches pinned to it, to the very visible Adam's apple, to the razor sharp jawline, to the face finally!

My jaw dropped. Standing there beside me, in the now empty elevator, and sporting the exact opposite of formal wear, was Rockstar Manik - Navu, Aliya and the nation's heartthrob, Manik! He had finally noticed me staring at him - he looked back at me and smiled a little. For some reason, at that moment all that was playing in my head was his stupid song composition, that seemed to have magically topped all charts and hence played in every radio station, non-stop "Happy Love!" - the song that Aliya and Navu made me hear countless times! This led me to say the weirdest thing ever; between attempting to say Good Morning Sir' and trying to tune out Happy Love' from my head, I blurted out,

"Good Morning Love" with a nice smile!

And, just when I was about to kick myself for the stupidity, our rockstar responded!

"Good Morning Darling!" and he winked at me mischievously!

He didn't seem to mind my mistaken flirting at all! He already earned a minus point from me for unnecessarily flirting back with me, I had made a mental note to inform Aliya and Navu of this. As I stood there staring at him thinking all this in mind, he started walking out of the elevator which had halted at his destination floor. He walked out, and turned back to look at me, then when the door was shutting between us, he pressed the button again and the door opened again.

"Unless you are planning to guide the elevator to Mars from here, I think you reached your destination."


"Babe, this is the top floor!"

"Oh" and I walked out clumsily tripping over God knows what, and he held on to my elbow to make me stable. I darted a quick look at him and murmured a "Thank-You" to which he nodded briefly and walked away from sight!

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