Chapter 10: Frozen Forever - Rekindling Passion - Part 2

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A/N : So dear readers, although I have not given you guys any heads up, this is the last chapter and there will be an Epilogue to follow. 

I won't say much, but I have a request to make to all the readers who're going to read this chapter. My request is, you please leave me one comment on how you felt about the whole story together!

Happy Reading!


[Please note, this chapter has some matured content in terms of sexual implicitness - please be advised to read at your own discretion]


I sat in my bedroom, humming an unknown tune. I was lost in introspection. Bits of my conversation I had some time back with daadi floated in my mind.

"Manik puttar, you know, I don't like beating around the bush - I will ask you this straight up front - do you like my Nandini?" she asked me sternly.

My immediate answer was yes, and it was just about to slip out of my mouth, when I stopped. My promise to Nandini made me stop - she was here at my house only after I had promised I wouldn't bring this topic up - ever. Now, if her departure was inevitable then I didn't want to break my promise at the fag end - that to for nothing.

"Daadi, please don't get so hyper, Dhruv is handling his aunt nah? Let him come back and talk to us once - I am sure he will convince his aunt. And maybe then Nandini won't leave?" I mouthed my hope with uncertainty.

She stared at me sceptically, "So you don't like her" she responded conclusively. My entire being revolted at that statement, but I control the urge to explain things to daadi otherwise. I kept mum, and daadi took my response in affirmative.

"It's okay Manik puttar, I understand - just because Mukti and I love and adore her, we cannot push our feelings on you, after all it is your life. It's perfectly okay if you see her just as a good friend. I always wished that you both got together - ever since I saw my Nandini - I knew she was perfect for us all. But I cannot push my certainty on to you beta, that I know. I know that you don't want to settle down in life with anyone - I hate that - but I have learnt to accept that choice of yours. Under such circumstances, when Nandini came home and fulfilled all the duties of being a Malhotra bahu, somewhere I had started seeing her as one - I forgot, she has a life too. Puttar, I got selfish in happiness, I apologize for it - and it is my selfishness that stemmed out this embarrassment for my Nandini today. Will you help me rectify it?" daadi sounded deeply guilty and not to mention broken, my heart went out for my grandmother, I could never see her that way.

"Daadi, please stop blaming yourself. Nandini is such a girl - it is very difficult to not get oneself attached to her." I wanted to say more, like how I loved her for the same quality, but I refrained. I was willing to honour my promise to Nandini at any cost. Instead, I asked, "Daadi, how do you want to rectify things? Tell me, I promise to help you"

"Manik puttar, look for a groom for my Nandini - I want to get her married. Marrying her to a good man will give me as much peace as I got when I married off my little Mukti" she whispered.

"Marriage?" I repeated, scandalized. What had I got myself into? Not getting to be with Nandini was one thing, but seeing her go to someone else? Was I ready for that? I stared at daadi's questioning gaze - I failed to form words. After hopelessly gulping air for a while, I stammered, "Daadi, Nandini doesn't want to get married"

"You don't worry about that, convincing her is my job. You just need to find me a good groom for her. Can you do that?" I couldn't think of an apt response, instead I gave her a weak nod. She smiled satisfied. "Now, my Nandini will leave this house only when she is married." Then she walked away.

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