x "I burned my bridges and I can't go home" x

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TW// mentions of drugs, and suicide.

Play the songs in order when you're at the battle part IN ORDER:

SugerCrash - ElyOtto
Monster Truck - Jazmine Bean


After the encounter you had with Daddy Dearest, you were still in shock from 1. Meeting a literal celebrity and 2. Just receiving 800 dollars on the spot. It's like God knew you needed it, especially after what had just happened. Then, it hit you.. you got to sing your own songs! You instantly felt giddy and excited, but the first thing you needed to do was find somewhere to live. You grabbed your food from the Cafe, and looked up the nearest apartment complex


The next day, around 5 pm, you had just moved into your small but cozy apartment. 1 room, 1 bathroom was all you needed. It was cheap but it was better than what you had at home. You spent some more money on food.. more like 2 frozen pizzas. But you were left with about 350$. You were currently planning on working at the Cafe you were at yesterday, and that could cover rent & get you on your feet. Luckily. You lived about 5 minutes away from there so realistically you could just walk.

After a minute of zoning out, you realized that it was around 3 pm. 4 hours until you had to rap battle with this kid you barely knew about.

You sat down on your floor, grabbed your phone, and starting writing down songs.

It was 6:30, you were driving around, trying to see where you were since it had gotten dark so quickly. You eventually found the alleyway you were supposed to be at, and also spotted a blue haired boy & a red haired girl on speakers, rapping with an orange haired man welding a gun. You parked your car on the side of the road, and got out.

You sat by watching them rap, thoroughly enjoying the songs. You hummed quietly to some of the melodies to distract yourself from the nervous feeling in your stomach.

It wasn't long until the battle was over, and the orange haired man approached you.

"What're you doing here? You look young to be here. Baby face." He said, seemingly standing over you. "O-oh um, well, I'm here to battle with that blue haired dude-" "Beep!" A voice said behind you.

You jumped. A little startled from the sudden noise.
"Ba Ba boo ska?" (Who are you?)
"..Yeah, what is your name anyway?" The man asked. "I'm Y/n.. who are you two?" You replied, still a little spooked. "He's "Boyfriend". A weird name but that's his. I'm Pico, nice to meet you, Y/n." Pico sighed, letting a hand out, expecting a hand shake. You held out yours, and after an awkward second shook his.

"Beep bo boop ba skee?" (Can we battle now?)
You nervously nodded your head yes, and headed over to the speakers, and started to sing.

After singing the songs, taking turns and desperately trying to keep up with each other, you had finally won the battle.

You were tired, to say the least.

"Damn, Y/n you look like you're out of breath.
Pico said, patting you on the back.
"By the way, those songs sounded good, but they were kinda edgy. Is anything going on with you? Do I need to call child protective services?"
"Well, no, because 1. I'm 19, and 2. I moved out a few weeks ago." You lied, you didn't want anyone to know about your situation. "..B-but.." you started to tear up. "T-thanks for caring enough to ask." You started quietly sobbing. Pico felt empathy for you, but it was also awkward.. he didn't know how to exactly comfort anyone. He just hugged you, and stayed quiet as you sobbed into his chest.

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