Classes and Clashes

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My regular classes weren't too hard, the teachers and my classmates were all very nice, though I think I might've gone a bit overboard with answering questions.


"Alright class who can multiply (x - 4)(x + 5)?" Asked Ectoplasm as he turned toward us.

I raised my hand almost instantly after he asked, everyone seemed to be a bit surprised as I was already called on.

"The answer is x squared plus x minus twenty."

"That is correct, very impressive miss."

"Thank you."

Little did I know that although I had already studied most of the problems, everyone else was barely getting the hang of them.


"A compound contains 28 percent of nitrogen and 72 percent of metal by weight. 3 atoms of metal combine with 2 atoms of N. What is the atomic weight of metal?"

With another instant raise of my hand, I was called on again, while met with just a bit more surprise from my class.


"Correct, well done."

"Thank you."

I could begin to hear little bits of whispering from my classmates, it seems that I have made a spectical of myself, how interesting.


"Now who can tell me how they think the author was feeling about this part of the plot as we read from chapter 3 to 4?"

I was a bit unsure of the question, yet I couldn't help but feel everyone instantly turning their attention to me as the class continue to lay silent.

"What's going on?" The teacher asked as he noticed the turning heads.

"Usually the smarty pants new girl always has an answer right after the questions." A blonde boy in the front of the classroom replies.

I simply shrugged and said "I don't like answering a question I'm not completely sure about."

~Heroics 101~

It looks like today we're sparring in partners, but we'll definitely be uneven with me being the odd one out.

"I don't mind facing two opponents." I stated.

"Don't go biting off more than you can chew smarty pants girl." The same blonde kid said as he gave a creepy mocking smirk.

"Monoma seriously, chill she's our classmate, not calling her by her proper name is super unmanly." Responded a gray, spiky haired boy.

"If you think I only talk big, then how about you and a classmate of your choosing fight me." I said as I stared this Monona kid dead in his eyes.

He seemed to smile to himself before dragging in the same dude who defended me.

"Come on Tetsutetsu, let's knock this girl down a few blocks."

"Or she'll fold us, I'll help you but anything can happen, just saying."

We faced each other from a decent distance as we awaited the start command from our teacher. I could see the two loosening up, my only disadvantage is that I'm not very sure what their quirks are. I put up my fists in a ready position, maybe a bit of obsidian can help me settle this. I could feel the increase and decrease in my body temperature as my pores began gloving my hands in the igneous rock.

The teacher then called for us to start and with a swift rush fuelled by mostly spite I managed to land a harsh sucker punch on the blonde kid. With my back turned, my second opponent caught onto the advantage and instantly took hold and immobilized me. In a quick moment of thought I figured I could fall and he'd take the damage, but in the next second as I saw his body change I knew I had made an error in my calculations. I landed on him but my entire back felt like it was either broken in half or leaking spinal fluid, I was in an agonizing amount of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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