Casual Affair

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The fed was cute.

No, correction, the fed was hot.

It was just enough for the man to be soft-spoken with large eyes and a gentle smile, the man also had to be hot.

If there was a God, California swore he was punishing him for something.

One morning, a couple days after that first meeting, California went to wake up DC for breakfast. He was staying in the guest room/Colorado's smoking room after the hotel accidentally lost his booking and the main five were less than proud at how enthusiastically they jumped at the chance to get DC to stay with them. California knocked on the door and opened it, about to announce breakfast was ready, when he froze. DC was fully dressed, doing pull ups with the bar he had taken with him from his house in Washington. It was the first time California really noticed his arms; they weren't jacked like wrestlers or some roided-out bodybuilder, but he had some muscle to them and could probably choke him with his forearm alone.

California was thankful DC didn't hear him because he had to hurry back to his room for a quickie, before returning back in the right mind to tell him breakfast was ready.

DC slumped back on the bed he was graciously offered at the statehouse, panting and trying to rub the stars from his eyes.

He couldn't keep doing this.

Sure, sex with Bryan wasn't great, the man usually finished first and then wouldn't bring him to completion, so it was no surprise he'd fantasize about being with someone else.

But the five states he just had a meeting with? That had to be too far.

DC swallowed hard and stared at the ceiling, trying to think back to what triggered this. Louisiana had made crawfish for everyone for dinner and was gleeful at teaching DC how to eat them, especially after he caught the fed trying to eat the shellfish with a fork. DC could remember Louisiana teaching him how to break the crawfish apart, pointing out which areas he could just throw away, and then casually, oh so casually, sucking in the head.

The fed shuddered again as if his body was ready for round two, well that most certainly did it. DC sat up and groaned, rubbing his eyes and trying to calm himself down. He shouldn't be dreaming of sleeping with any of them, he was the federal government for god's sake. Imagine the scandal back in Washington if it had been revealed he'd slept with not one, but five states, it'd cause chaos. Plus he was happy with Bryan!


DC slumped back into bed and stared at the ceiling once again, feeling his eyes finally droop. He'd only be in Florida for a few more days until he returned to Washington, he could survive only a few more then maybe put a stretch between meetings. Anything to protect his reputation.


"So we all agree Dee is hot right?" New York choked on his drink and joined his other boyfriends staring at Florida, who sat at the front of the table.

"How could you just say that?" Texas hissed.

"We were all thinking about it!" Florida pointed out.

"I've cared more about his character then how he looks." California announced proudly.

"Bullshit, you've been fantasizing about him just as much as the rest of us have!" New York yelled.

"I mean, let's all agree he's just alright, right?" Louisiana asked. "There's nothing special about that quick smile now...."

"Or warm eyes...." Florida muttered, losing himself.

"They're so big and bright, like the stars in Texas." Texas whispered smiling.

"I honestly could listen to him talk all day." New York added, a rare half smile on his face.

"His lips just look so kissable...." California whispered. The five jumped as the door closed and turned to greet DC.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a mix up with the laundromat, there was some weird lady screaming about alien cats at me." DC announced walking over to his place at the table. He sat down and pulled out his notes, before looking up at the five states just staring at him.

"What?" DC asked. The fed currently was dressed in a long-sleeved white dress shirt, with a blue tie that made him look more authoritative then the short-sleeved blue polo he normally held meetings with.

"Nice uh...." Louisiana mumbled trying to regain speech. "Nice outfit."

"Thanks, I had to have IDC ship it after I lost my other shirt in the wash." DC said with a laugh. "It look okay?"

"I-It looks great..." Florida whispered as New York pulled his beanie down to cover his blushing face. DC smiled and opened up one of his folders.

"Great! Well let's get started...." DC began rambling about numbers and cases, but all the main five could do was turn and look at each other with worry.

They were fucked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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