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Ocular Techniques

The user of this ability can also gain special powers from their eyes, possibly by having special eyes containing a power that gives them abilities or enhancements.

Odin Force

Ancient and vast Asgardian power wielded by Odin and later inherited by Thor.

Old Power

The Old Power (or Oldstrong Power) is a source of energy derived from a planet that can be wielded and boost the user's abilities to an incalculable level, as well as give the wielder earth-manipulation abilities and an energy-enhanced strike, similar to that of the Iron Fist

Omega Effect

The Omega Effect is a strange force of entropy, perhaps a destructive side to the often creative nature of the Source. It is Darkseid's possession of the Omega Effect that allows him to fire his Omega Beams from his eyes. These beams are capable of vaporizing, erasing, as energy blasts/energy beams or transmuting any form of matter, living or non-living. They can send/retrieve something from different places, times, dimensions, and even universes.

Omega Sanction

Omega Sanction, the Death that is Life, also known as "The Life Trap". The Omega Sanction, when inflicted on an individual, traps them in an endless succession of synthetic lives, each one more degrading and hopeless than the last.


The ability to see through space and time from any location.


To build things with ease


The power to manipulate anything such as matter, energy, space, time, soul, life, death, and reality. With just enough mastery, the user can become a powerful nigh-omnipotent being.


Omnilingualism is the ability to decipher any language. This is not a common power, though one notable user of omnilingualism is Cypher of the New Mutants. Starfire also has a form of omnilingualism. She can instantly learn a being's language through physical contact with that being. The Pre-Crisis version of Superman knew nearly all Earthly and alien languages, effectively giving him this power.


A power where the user resides outside of everything such as space, time, duality, probability, possibility, nothingness, existence, and so on. They cannot be affected by anything like temporal paradoxes, reality-warping, universal concepts, or even existence erasure. Omnipotence can counter it, however, as it's a sub-power of such an ability.


Omnipotence (literally, "all power") is power with no limits or inexhaustible, in other words, unlimited power.


Being everywhere.


All knowing.


The Omnitrix is the mysterious watch-like alien device that allows the user to transform into various alien forms by combining the DNA of the selected alien with the user's own DNA, effectively turning them into the alien species the user has selected.


Orbing is the ability to orb(or teleport) from place to place with magical lights surrounding the user. Users of this power are Paige Matthews and Leo Wyatt from Charmed

Organic Manipulation

The ability to generate, shape and manipulate organic matter, that is the matter that possesses carbon in its chemical structure, also present in all life. Superset of Biological Manipulation, but without limited to control the properties of living beings, if not of any matter that is composed of carbon, including: oil, ink, sugar, alcohol, food (organic), natural poisons, wax, and more.

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