Chapter 34: Harry Impossible

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It was about two weeks and a half since Harry suddenly appeared in his living room at Hogwarts after pranking the American ministry. Severus sat in an armchair in front of the fire, nursing himself a cup of coffee, reading a book. Still, his thoughts continued drifting to what Harry had done. He had to admit that while the deed itself was quite Gryffindorish, how the boy had handled the accusations towards him were indeed very Slytherin in nature.

Though he had to admit that the British Aurors are not the brightest. Only because someone didn't use their wand doesn't automatically imply that said person didn't use any magic at all as Harry so impressively demonstrated. Then again, the British community was of the firm opinion that wandless magic was nearly impossible to achieve after all. Completely forgetting that Merlin himself was quite accomplished in hand-magic.

The Potions Master was in the middle of his musings about wandless magic when he heard the tell-tale sound of an incoming portkey behind him. With a groan and wondering what the boy did now, he turned in his chair to look at him.

"What did you do this time?" he asked, shocked when he saw who was standing behind the boy, Lily Potter.

"Why do you always assume that I did something? Can't I just come by for a visit?" Harry asked indignantly not even realising that he brought his mother with him. Still, he only received a rise of Severus' eyebrow. "Okay, okay, it was an emergency, you know? I had to save this from Loki and Sirius," he said, holding up a small box in explanation before handing it over. "For you!"

"Indeed this seems to be a reasonable emergency, thank you," Severus told the boy who smiled broadly at him.

He knew that Loki had a massive sweet tooth. So he wouldn't argue with Harry about it when it was one of the delicacies meant for him. However, he still wondered how the boy had managed to bring Lily with him, who at the moment stood behind Harry gaping in shock.

Loki chose right that moment to show up and stared longingly at the box but quickly backed up when he saw Severus' glare.

"How did you do it?" Loki asked Harry with shock, surprise, and awe now that he concentrated on the real issue.

"Do what?" Harry questioned confusedly.

"Getting here, of course! Not to mention that you managed to take your mother with you!"


Harry's confusion even rose when he finally turned around only to come face to face with his equally confused mother.

"I used the Portkey Severus gave me," he muttered in disbelieve.

"You not only managed to portkey out of heaven but also took someone with you, who shouldn't be able to leave to begin with!" Loki exclaimed.

"I...I don't know," Harry whispered, watching how Loki now walked around his mother in a circle.

With every step Loki took, his eyes went wider and wider. In the end, one might fear that they might pop out of their sockets. Loki looked the epitome of shock.

"This is impossible! How...? What...? She's alive," he rambled. "Alive! As in utterly, completely and absolutely alive! As in not dead...! That shouldn't be possible. Definitely impossible! There is no way...."

His rambling made every one of them stare at Harry, who flushed red in embarrassment.

"I don't know how it happened," he tried to explain when he had an idea. "Loki could you perhaps bring me back? I'd like to try something."

That brought Loki out of his shock and grabbed Harry's shoulder. They both vanished, leaving behind a shocked speechless Lily and a confused Severus.

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