Chapter 2

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Warnings: Mention of wounds, scars (not self-inflicted), cursing, voices

Some info needed for this Chapter:

"Underscore"= Techno's voice's

"Slanted"= Dream (not to be mistaken with clay/dream)

"Bold"= Nightmare

It will all make sense later, I promise.


Dream's eyes fluttered open. For the first time in a while, he felt rested. Though, it wasn't all comfort. It didn't take long to feel sharp pains all through-out his body. It took his mind a second to register what had happened and why his body ached.

He remembered the pain that consumed his body. He remembered the panic he felt when seeing a puddle of red coming from his side. He remembered the cold wrapping his body in a blanket of darkness. He remembered hoping for death to come already, as he sat for hours under the shade of a thick forest. How the fuck was he alive?

Now that he thought about it, this wasn't the forest. Dream could hear low snores coming from someone by him. Someone had rescued him, but who? The only people he could think that would ever even think of coming to his protection were Sapnap and George. But even they seemed distant from him at the moment.

"Let me take over. I'll get rid of this person."

"No, Clay, let me take over. Nightmare is too reckless."

"Shut up, Dream."

"No need to be so rude."

"Quiet, both of you. I'll take care of it." Dream (Clay) angrily whispered. He was used to the yin and yang-like things in his head arguing. It didn't make it any less annoying.

Dream sat up slowly, ignoring the ache in his chest. He took a good look at his rescuer, quickly recognizing them. Lengthy strawberry pink hair fell neatly to the man's side. His muscles were impressive, and his general frame was buff and husky. He had piglin-like pink ears, tusks, and a large scar that ran down his tinted-pink face. Technoblade.

The man was sleeping peacefully, unaware his company had awoken. Techno didn't seem like much of a threat in this state, but as Techno's eyes started to open, Dream panicked.

"That's it. I'm taking control."

Techno was thrown from his peaceful state as a body slammed against his own, throwing him to the floor.

"What the fuck," He muttered, rubbing his head which had hit the floor harshly.

"Ah, your awake."

Technoblade looked up, coming face to face with Dream. He had no mask on, revealing crazed-looking dark eyes. It threw Techno off immediately.

"What's with your eyes," He asked, casually as if he wasn't just full-body slammed onto the ground. Dream looked at him confusingly and backed off.

"I told you he's no threat."

Techno watched Dream, waiting for an answer. Instead, he found himself weirded out as Dream's eyes shifted hue. Black to emerald green.

"You need to get your eyes checked out, Dream," He chuckled, voice monotone as usual. Dream's hand traveled up to his face. To his pure horror, his mask was absent. His hands flew to his face, covering his eyes quickly. He flailed around, looking for something to cover his appearance. He eventually found a pillow and pushed it against his face.

"Where's my mask." Dream's asked. His voice sounded muffled behind the cushion.

"Somewhere in the middle of the forest," Techno responded. Even without seeing Dream's face, Techno knew he was scowling.

"Why didn't you pick it up."

"I was trying to save your life."

"It's not that hard. All you had to do was pick it up."

"I save you, and this is what I get."

"Dumb pig."

"Homeless blob."

The men bickered, throwing idiotic insults back and forth. Techno, usually calm, was starting to get annoyed. He had just saved Dream's life, and this is how he treated him?

"Shut up or leave. The door's right there." Techno growled, pointing to the other side of the room. Dream paused for a moment, somewhat surprised by Techno's order. But after a short moment, he answered.

"Bye then." Dream smirked. He turned around to head for the door. Only two steps into his journey, he bent over, hissing in pain. Techno was now the one to smirk.

"Looks like you're stuck with me." Techno chuckled. He picked himself up, walking over to the injured man. Dream had dropped the pillow and was clutching his chest wound. His eyes were squeezed shut, and all he could do was hum in response. Techno put his hand on Dream's waist, which Dream shoved away quickly.

"Don't touch me," He growled through clenched teeth. Techno rolled his eyes, picking up the smaller male. Techno expected Dream to fidget around and try to escape him, but that wasn't the case. Instead, Dream melted into Techno's firm grasp, too tired to protest further.

Techno walked back to the couch. His steps were soft and quiet. He knew if Dream woke up in Techno's arms, he would be furious. While it would be easy to ward off the injured man's attack, Techno didn't feel like more arguing. All he wanted to do was sit down, drink some tea, and read a book. Sadly, the man resting against his chest prevented that from happening. Though, it was nice to bask in such a moment. No, not the fact some man was sleeping in his arms, the fact he didn't have his mask.

Techno's eyes scanned over every inch of the blond's face. It was nearly perfect, other than a scar that ran through Dream's lips. It disfigured his mouth a bit. He had freckles that littered his face, resembling stars. He didn't look any bit threatening in his passed-out state. Techno had to think a moment of why Dream would wear the mask if he looked normal. Maybe it was the scar? No, that doesn't make any sense.

"Here's a thought, it's to cover his creepy eyes?"

"Yeah, Dumbnoblade."

"Why are you letting some guy sleep in your arms?"




"I'm not gay," Techno whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes. Though, they did have a point. No, not what your thinking. The eyes. Why were they changing like that?


End of chapter A/N:

Didn't end this one on too much of a cliffhanger! Like I said before, everything will make sense later. I wish I could tell y'all now, but that would ruin the plot. Hang tight, new chapters will explain so much more! For now, feel free to say some theories you have. Please leave comments, they encourage me! Thanks for reading. 

Found You in the Forest, A Dreamnoblade FictionWhere stories live. Discover now