A Blind Side In Hawaii

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In an ally outside of town, a strange creature woke up and feel things around with his hands and an antenna to make sure they won't get bumped into places. The creature starts to float away as it feeling the wall but heard screaming. The creature ignores it and keeps floating but then smells something delicious. It went to look for the smell then hear screaming and footsteps as they ran away. As the creature about to look for the smell, he bumped into someone. The creature fell to the ground then heard a young girl's voice, "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Um..." the creature is scared.
"Negka! Watika!" A second voice speaks in a different language.
"No, I'm not gonna hurt you." The creature spoke.
"You understand him!?" The girl is shocked.
"Yes... I learned about alien language..." the creature replied.
"You're an alien as well." The girl asked.
"Yes." The alien replied.
"Cousin!" The second voice called out.
"I'm not your cousin..." the alien said. His antenna glows into a purple color in fear.
"Mm... maybe Jumba would find out about this experiment..." the young girl said. Then she takes a closer look at the alien. She notices that are no eyes on its face just his nose and mouth. She looks at his ears that are deer-like and see the antenna on his head.
"Ehhh!" The second voice screeched.
"What is it?" The alien asked.
"Um... you... didn't wear clothes..." the girl sugar-coated her explanation.
"Oh... is okay... I didn't have the coverage..." the alien blushed.
"Wakashea taka nika?" The second voice asked.
"I'm a boy... and... I escaped." The alien replied.
"So... you're a boy alien-like mine, but you don't have eyes but an antenna..." the girl said.
"I can feel your movements with my antenna but... I can't see what you guys look like..." the alien explained.
The girl gasped, "You're... blind?" The alien nods sadly then felt someone snuggling his arm, it's soft and fluffy.
"Your friend is soft..." the alien starts to shiver.
The girl giggled, "Oh... he's an alien as well but looks like a dog. We haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Lilo and this is my partner, Stitch."
"Hello, Lilo. Hello, Stitch." The aliens look at the wall but not them.
Lilo sweated and touch his shoulder, "you staring at the wall."
The alien blushed, "Sorry..."
"Jumba!" Stitch reminded Lilo.
"Oh right. Maybe Jumba can figure out where you're from." Lilo took the alien by the hand and they went to see Jumba.

They arrived at Lilo's house and took the alien to the room where Jumba is.
"Jumba!" Lilo called out.
"Little girl, you found another experiment?" Jumba asked.
"Um I'm not sure is an experiment. But can you check him out?" Lilo replied.
"Okay, maybe I might find out because I don't remember making this one." Jumba carries the alien into the machine then checks his computer. The alien is all nervous didn't know what's going on.
"Mm... this creature is no experiment. It shows a paranormal activity..." Jumba looks curious and looks at the alien, "mm.. this antenna is very interesting..." he uses his hand and pulls his antenna.
The alien is frozen in fear and is in pain but didn't say anything. He hears evil laughing echoes in his head. Lilo notice the alien is having a seizure and she yelled, "Jumba stop!"
Jumba let go of the alien's antenna and saw him shaking in fear, "Oh I'm so sorry little one."
"Is okay... we're here..." Lilo pats him. Stitch comforts him as well then his antenna glows orange.
"Such an interesting power." Jumba is interested, "but don't know what he does..."
"So do you got a name?" Lilo asked the alien.
"No... I don't remember my name..." the alien replied.
"Mm.." Lilo staring at his blink antenna which is still orange, "you're a glowing alien... How about... Gloien. Is a mix of Glowing alien!"
The alien felt happy, "Gloien... I like it." His antenna glows into yellow color.
"That little guy glows again!" Jumba is amazed.
"And... um... please do not pull my antenna... is... not comfortable..." Gloien told Jumba.
"Oh please forgive me." Jumba chuckled nervously.
"Is okay..." Gloien smiles a bit.
"Don't need to fright. I may be an evil genius but I'm not bad." Jumba pats him.
Gloien's stomach growls, "I'm feeling funny..."
"You're hungry." Lilo giggled.
"Hungry?" Gloien tilts his head in confusion.
"Food." Stitch chimed.
Just as they tried to explain, they heard a scream. They turn to see another person in the room.
"Pleakley?" Lilo is surprised to see him.
"What's the matter?" Jumba asked.
"Look!" Pleakley points at Gloien.
"Oh, that's Gloien. He's harmless." Lilo replied.
"I know he's like me and Jumba but he had no clothes! And eyes!" Pleakley covers his eye.
"Oh... sorry ma'am." Gloien blushed.
"Pleakey is a boy," Lilo whispered.
"Oh... sorry," Gloien mumbled.
"Anyway Pleakley, 626, and little girl found the little guy and it looks like is not my experiment. At least he didn't do any harm but glowing his antenna." Jumba explains.
"He also can't see us. He's blind." Lilo added.
"Oh... but he needs clothes on!" Pleakley grab Gloien by the hand and went to his room. Lilo, Stitch, and Jumba follow them to the room. They saw Pleakley searching in his drawer for clothes and Gloien looking confused.
"Aha! Here's a perfect shirt." Pleakley got out a small orange t-shirt and put it on Gloien.
"Feels... comfortable..." Gloien glows his antenna yellow with joy.
"Mm..." Jumba is curious about his antenna.
"Any way we can find you some food," Lilo said.
"Can we find that sizzle noise food I smell?" Gloien asked.
"Oh, the new burger place. We can go there but we don't want everyone to find out that you're an alien with no eyes and antenna." Lilo replied.
"Or even legs." Pleakley points at his ghost tail.
"I think I got an idea," Jumba said then ran to his lab and starts to build something. Then after a few minutes, Jumba came back with some glasses.
"Wow, what's that?" Lilo is impressed.
"Glasses?" Stitch said as he stared at them.
"There are tech emotional glasses. They may look like glasses but it shows different expressions on how Gloien feels based on his antenna and emotions. It is like having real eyes." Jumba explained as he put them on Gloien.
Gloien feels them for a moment and smiled, "I like it!" His glasses show a happy shut eyes expression.
"He's like a real person." Pleakley smiled.
"Alright, I'm ready to eat sizzle smells!" Gloien shows determination on his glasses.
Stitch put a cap on Gloien, "need a hat!"
"Thanks!" Gloien replied.
"Alright! Let's go. We are back!" Lilo grabs Gloien by the hand as she and Stitch ran outside.
"Goodbye!" Pleakley waved.
"Good luck!" Jumba said.

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