°We are stuck together°

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I feel like I am doing something unholy here hahaha. Enjoy it ;)

Seulgi's POV:

They decided to take a rest and sleep some after this exhausting day and think about possible measures tomorrow. Seulgi was so glad for the kindness of her members, a gift not everybody got in his life.

She stepped into her room, feeling definitely better than last time. With a deep breath, she headed toward her bed and took the soft blancket. She would finally spend a night without crying and sobbing.

Although something had changed this night, she still didn't feel completed. Something was still untold and she felt herself longing for something. No, someone. She had to see her. Alone. Now.

With silent footsteps, she walked along the corridor. Wendy was surely already sleeping, and Joy and Yeri on her phone. She wasn't excited about letting them know what she was doing...

She softly knocked at Irene's door at the end of the corridor. Nobody was answering. She knocked again, hoping that the latter wasn't sleeping as well.

This time, the door slowly opened and revealed two beautiful dark brown eyes. Irene looked at her irritated but then showed her whole body.

"I- I wanted to talk...", Seulgi hesistantly said and looked to the ground. She shouldn't assume that Irene still wanted to be her girlfriend. But she had to talk to her.

"Yeah, sure come in." The girl opened the door and Seulgi stepped in. Irene closed the door behind her.

For a moment, silence was in the air. Awkward. Silence. She couldn't endure this. Irene suddenly escaped a sigh.

"I am so sorry..."

It was nothing more than a whisper. She exhaled heavily as a single tear left her eye.

Seulgi didn't think twice. She immediately involved the girl into a hug, pressing her petite body at her own.

"You shouldn't apologize. It's not your fault", Seulgi calmed her unnie down. Fortunately, no sobbing echoed in the room.

"I promised you to take care of you. And I haven't."

"You have more than everybody else. We were just overtaxed."

She broke the hug, facing Irene directly. Irene blinked multiple times, apparently to hold back her tears. Seulgi smiled a bit.

"I would never leave you. I couldn't even imagine living without you", she confessed while her smile grew.

"I know that", Irene whispered and took a single strand behind Seulgi's ear.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

It felt like the first time. The first time they were kissing under the moonlight, sitting at the rooftop of their dorm.

Slowly, Seulgi moved her lips against Irene's, relishing the taste and the velvet softness. It wasn't a demanding or passionate kiss. But full of emotions, full of love. Yeah, this was the right word.

Seulgi felt that Irene was loving her. Loving her like nobody else at this planet.

She pulled her gently away and lead her towards the big bed in the back of the room. It was completely dark and she had to concentrate to not hurt herself at some items laying on the ground or something.

She softly pushed Irene onto her bed and crawled on top of her. Their lips again connected, this time wilder and more passionately. Seulgi lowered her upper body a bit and intertwined her hands with Irene's. She felt it all. It was so full, pure and thrilling at the same time.

As the air around them started to heaten up, Seulgi gently bit Irene's lower lip, causing a silent moan of the girl. It was music for her. She felt encouraged and broke the kiss to attack her neck. Her palms were sweating like hell and her skin had a temperature over 40° degree, but she didn't care.

Gradually, her kisses became more sucking. Irene moaned again, her eyes closed with a content smile.

"Seul... no hickeys", she groaned and released another moan. But it was too late. With a short glance, Seulgi admired her work of art at Irene's neck.

In this moment, her girlfriend took the opportunity to turn them around so Seulgi was now lying under her. She got involved in another heated kiss, this time she was sure to burst out of the sudden heat.

"Hot", she breathed out and broke the kiss, exhaling and inhaling deeply. Irene immediately understood what she meant since she sat up and took off her oversized hoodie. Then she started to kiss Seulgi's neck.

Of course she left hickeys too. But Seulgi didn't care. She was moaning out Irene's name and started to explore her small figure, something that she has often done in the past. She was so perfect. Like a goddess. No, she was a goddess.

"Seul?", Irene asked and sat up again, leaving burning spots at her neck.

"Hm?", Seulgi hummed with still closed eyes.

"We will do this together, right?"

Now she opened her eyes too and stared at the beautiful person above her, sitting there just with her pants and her black bra.

"Yeah we stick together." She stretched out her arms and gestured her girlfriend to lie next to her.

"It will be hard. But I am sure we can do this with the support of our members and our environment. As long as we two stay together, we won't fail."

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