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No One's POV:

It's been three years since Red Velvet officially announced that they leave SM Entertainment. Back then, the kpop industry was shocked, but the five girls managed to find a new company who supported them, especially the relationship of Seulgi and Irene and the wishes of better threatment.

Now, they contract ended again, but this time, both fans and the group agreed that they had their time and promised that they will return someday. Of course all members shared a tear, but it was time to split up now.

Seulgi already looked for a good flat that was not too expensive and large since she liked comfortable places with much stuff in it more. Completely the opposite of Irene who wanted to convince the bear that they should buy a bigger house.

In the end, they found a flat for both of them with a large living room but small side rooms. Both girls were satisfied with their new home.

The whole day, Seulgi felt nervous as hell. Of course Joohyun noticed that, but the bear kept saying that she was fine. Oh god she wasn't at all.

 In the noon, Wendy helped them with packing some stuff out of the cartons so they wouldn't spend the whole day with this. Secretly, her best friend knew that Seulgi had other plans for the evening.

"Seul are you really okay?", the soft voice of Irene appeared from behind. She turned around and nodded. "Yep, it couldn't be better!"

"And why are you trembling?"

"It is cold."

"Seul we have 22° degree..."

"Hey don't judge me I am always cold."

"Ah okay."

Yeah, everybody could see that she acted sus. Highly sus. But what could she do? It was maybe  on of the most important days in her life...

In the eve, they finished, to Seulgi's relief. Wendy waved goodbye and quickly winked at Seulgi while she was again panicking around. She was a completely mess this day.

Meanwhile Irene was just confused about Seulgi's behavior, but kept it to herself since she considered that the poor bear was maybe exhausted.

"What about we do a night walk?", Seulgi suggested and gave her an awkward smile.

"Now? I am a bit tired baby...", Irene replied and leaned back onto their bed. Seulgi mentally facepalmed herself.

"But the moon is so nice... Pleeeeeeeaase Hyun!", she pouted.

Irene sighed and rolled her eyes but stood up. "Fine, you nasty bear..."

She drove extra carefully this eve. Besides it was already dark, and she didn't wanted to get involved into a car accident or whatever. They quickly arrived at the certain spot, giving Seulgi both relaxing and concerning feelings.

"Why here?"

Irene stared at the now empty park in front of her, usually filled with tons of tourists.

"I don't know. I felt like we need this place right now."


Irene opened the door and put on her thin jacket. Then she approached her girlfriend who intwined their hands.

"Do you remember the last time we where here?", Seulgi asked while they walked around the small lake.


"You got so jealous. I just observed an innocent woman."

"You didn't just observed her. You already studied all of her features." Irene crossed her arms and put on an insulted facial expression, just to exchange it with a smile on second later.

"I kept following you after you left me." Seulgi continued. They took a turning and started to reach a forest.

"And then you just kissed me without my permission."

"Do I need your permission?", Seulgi joked.

"In public? Yes. At least back then."

"Kinda relatable."

"Not only kinda."

They where now standing exactly at the point where they have kissed. And got caught. Years ago, Seulgi promised to herself that she should never visit this place again, now she was glad that things happened like this.

She couldn't even imagine a life without Irene. She was her everything and would ever be. She showed her affection every day to the little bunny.

But she wanted to keep her promise. The promise she made in dark times, where everything seemed hopeless. They just disbanded a week ago. It was the perfect time now. Seulgi wanted to show the world that Irene was just her's.

After a deep breath, she took both of Irene's hands and locked her eyes with hers.

"Do you remember what I promised to you three years ago? As we both almost lost hope?"

Irene remained silent, even though her eyes started to widen.

"I know we went through a lot. And I could live without many things. But we wouldn't stand here without. You always said to me that you hate romantic stuff and that I should better shut up, but let me please just finish this here."

Irene chuckled a bit and nodded, tightening the grip on Seulgi's hands.

She took a deep breath and fished the small box out of her pocket. Irene still stayed silent.

Seulgi took a step back and softened her gaze. Her eyes never left Irene's as she suddenly kneeled down.

"Bae Joohyun, do you wanna marry me?"

With in milliseconds, Irene covered her mouth and gasped. Seeing the girl she loves kneeling down for her, yeah, fricking PROPOSING to her made her whole body tremble.

But her answer had already been clear since the day Seulgi promised it to her. She could only say:



Omg guys thank you for so many reads and votes! I really haven't expected that! I hope you liked this short fanfiction and again sorry for all the vocab and grammar mistakes, I am still learning ^^

Currently I am working on a bigger project (of course I included Seulrene how couldn't I). So if you wanna stay up to date feel free to follow me on Wattpad ^^

Thank you again so much, love y'all <3

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