"You were my Husband Too"

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TW: sensitive topic, broken family issue, trigger words, mentions of abuse 

Firstly this is something i never think Fred would do but I just thought it would be interesting to write. No I am not trying to shame him, this is just a fan fic I'm am sorry doe if i have offended you all.

Second topic wise it was inspired by shameless and I just want to say I understand what it feels like to come from a broken home family. No I am not saying my life is worse than yours, however I am saying that if you want to talk to me you can because I will be there for you and I am open for talk sessions with anyone if they need to vent.

I hope you enjoy this <3

"You were my husband too"

It was christmas eve and your twins Dohn and John came back for christmas break, with your youngest son Mac. Lee was beside you helping out making dinner before your family and the Weasleys came for the annual christmas dinner. When all of a sudden you hear the doorbell ring, assuming it would be George and Angelina, you were close but so wrong. You barely notice but after a blur moment passes by you realise what was happening snapping back into reality after your head fuming with rage.

You were arguing when your children Amyra, Dohn, John, Mac were in the room with you and Freds' closest friend Lee who has been helping out in taking care of the family ever since he left after your big fight when you found out he cheated on you with a woman named Vivian. 

" The children need me and they are coming with us, let me at least take Mac," Fred argued.

" Jesus Fred out of the bloody question." Lee snapped back.

It has been 14 years since Fred left Y/N and he finally came back from his "break" hand in hand with his new wife Vivian, Fred came back wanting to have custody over his kids again, Amyra the eldest daughter who is already 20, the twins Dohn and John are 17 finishing their last semester at Hogwarts while Mac was in his fourth year. Amyra was beside her mother ready to lunge her wand at her father anytime while Mac stood behind Lee shivering down with tears, afraid to be taken away from his siblings, while the twins were behind their mother.

" Look..." Fred rubbed his temples, " Vivian and I just want to start our own family." Fred sighed.

" Excuse me, how about you finish this one first?!." you snapped.

" Pardon who's taking Mac away?" George's head popped in with Angelina and their children Roxanne and Billy. Confused as to what was going on, he stepped in deeper to the living room where he revealed his brother with a lady beside. Dropping the gifts he had brought, his jaw left opened, eyes of disbelief matched those of Angelina's. George had rights to be furious with him, he hurt his best friend, left her to raise children on her own and left the family not saying anything. He left the shop open the night they had the big fight and got it robbed which made a huge gap for their bills. No one would be happy if he came back. The silence was broken off by Remus.

" Wait I'm being taken away?!" Mac shrieked in fear, clenching Lee tighter .

" NO!" Lee, and you both shouted. Lee used his arm to hide him and back away, " No one is taking anyone anywhere."

" You don't just get to abandon your kids and then show up one day to take your pick of the litter." you huffed walking up to him.

" Please sweetie my Freddie makes mistakes but you know he's here now and you have to be considerate to know that has to count for something." Vivian said as sweetly as possible only to be cut off by you snapping at her.

" SHUT UP VIVIAN, THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU, THIS IS ABOUT YOU." you shoved him, breathing heavily as the tears in your eyes started to form. How did a man you thought would have been your happily ever after, would be wrapped around in another's taking your children away from you like a monster .

" This is about what you didn't do." you jabbed him with your finger, causing his shoulders to be thrown back. " This is about what I did." you pointed to yourself.

" AND YOU KNOW WHAT." you shouted, you inhaled before continuing, " I did a fucking great job." you pointed to yourself. Looking at Amyra and then back at Fred who had slightly glassy eyes.

" Amyra here, our daughter ." you sniffled harshly, " Amyra was a Prefect at Hogwarts then promoted Head girl. She graduated Top of her class and she set the record." you pointed at Amyra. " Mac was offered an internship to be a junior caretaker for St Mungos care of magical creatures department and he's fourteen. The twins just got accepted into the ministry as Aurors and are in the best training program, and they made something blow up for their potions fair! And they did it ALL NO THANKS TO YOU BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T HERE." You teared up as you felt the twins rubbed your back supporting you while Amyra was holding your hand tightly on the verge of tears as you calmed down holding the arms of your twins on your shoulders, to know they were still there for you.

Fred walked up to you slowly while Amyra still had her wand gripped firmly on to her hand looking at the direction she was walking in. Fred lifted his hand up reaching to your face but was stopped as George gripped it tight, " No mate last time you touched her you both were covered in her blood." he growled furiously gripping his brother's hand tighter.

" I appreciate that Y/N but I'm here now ..." he said trying to shine a smile, " Mac and the kids belong with me.."

" THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE." You cut back at him, being held back by your children.

" I'M THEIR FATHER." he shouted in a commanding tone.

" YOU WERE MY HUSBAND TOO." you wailed, clenching your fist as the pool of tears that has been trapped stream down your face.

" And we never worked out, maybe I'll never be able to do that with you but...." he inhaled looking around at his children. " Their still time with the kids, their still time with Mac and Dohn, John, Daddy is terribly sorry if I have ever hurt you." He tried leaning to the side trying to make eye contact with them who hid their face away from him. " Amyra, red, please I love you so much. Mac.... will you let me be your daddy again?" He tried to smile while his eyes were red and weak and looked drowsed.

Mac walked towards his father as he knelt down slightly as they both hugged while Mac sobbed, the twins then walked to him and hugged him as well. You felt your heart torn as you feel like your children have chosen a monster over your love.

Amyra went through her face with both hands and exhaled in disbelief as well.

" Fine you know what, you're right, you are there father. You're here now. So I am done, the bills, the studies are all done for you, have fun. Because I am done." you breathed, George tried to take your hand but you slipped off and apparated away. 

yay ok I really hope you enjoyed this little one shot, Im sorry if it is shit Im still starting out, I however have another story in progress called now and forever for all the Fred Weasley fans and Draco fans and other fans are welcomed to read them as well.

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