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Greatest Fears

Lloyd: His friends or family dying, not being able to do things himself

Kai: Nya dying, his friends dying, no more hair gel in the world

Zane: Losing Pixal, losing his friends

Cole: His friends dying

Jay: Losing Nya (again), Cole's cooking

Nya: Being useless, losing her family/friends and it being her fault

Pixal: Losing Zane permanently, her friends dying, systems getting corrupted/overrun again

Skylor: Her friends dying, not being able to help (you see a pattern yet?)

Wu: One of his pupils/family dying and it being his fault

Garmadon: losing his family or the ninja

Misako: Losing her family or the ninja

Phobias (theres a difference)

Lloyd: Arachnophobia, thanatophobia

Kai: Alektorophobia, isolophobia

Zane: Thanatophobia

Cole: Glossophobia, athazagoraphobia (post-dotd)

Jay: Arachnophobia, nyctophobia

Nya:Phobophobia, Allegrophobia, atychiphobia

Pixal: Atychiphobia, atelophobia

Skylor: Isolophobia

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