Echoes in the Stones

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Music: Run - Snow Patrol (click on image to listen)

Copyright © 2012  Piper E. McDermot

The author has asserted their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

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                                                Echoes in the Stones

Come back.

 Another echo drifting through this void, as I do, lost to Time. The echoes pluck at me, fingers on harp-strings, until I vibrate, remembering.

I do not know if that call is real, although sometimes I imagine it is his voice. I have none with which to answer, and there are no Songs here between the worlds, beyond Time. Not even the music of pain.

Here, I could know everything that was and everything that will be, if I chose to. I know that his memory will live on far beyond the bounds of the time and place where I once loved him. His name will resonate across the ages, across worlds.

 Come back.

 I do not know how. Once, I thought to find my way home. How foolish. I no longer know where home is or which Way would take me there, if I could go back. I must learn to forget, and be forgotten.

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