Chapter 22

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For reason unknown, I cannot stand Kokoro Teresa.

Well, maybe the reasons are known because I can list every single thing that I can think of when it comes to her.

The way she lacks confident is the first thing about her that irritates me. I know she has the potential to compose great music. Why else would she be in this school, much least the S class? But she is wasting both hers and the singer that she is composing for time if she agrees to every suggestion thrown at her. I know it is good to challenge yourself by doing thinks that you aren't used to doing, but if you are just forcing to do it, then there is no point.

Another thing that irritates me is how much she is holding herself back. I can tell that she is holding herself back because whenever she thinks that she is alone, she plays songs with so much passion and feeling that I just want to join her and sing whatever lyrics come to mind. Although most of the songs she plays sound incomplete, they were none of the least good. There was one song that move my heart so much that I thought tears were going to build up in my eyes. It is a shame to not share it with the world if only one person can hear it.

The most irritating thing that I find about her is how my eyes would always search her. Even if I don't know if she is in the room, I would always look for her. I do not know why this is. At first glance, she is just any regular person who is here to study music. She is a timid and shy person. Always mumbling when she is talking to someone and shifts around like she rather be somewhere else. Her looks blend into the background, almost making her invisible. But for some reason I would always find her.

The only time she is not any of the things listed above is when she is with her sister. I only met Kokoro Aka that one time, but I can tell how much Teresa changed from shy and timid to confident and sassy just in the presence of her sister. If anything, I think Teresa is too much dependent on her sister than she realizes.

This is even when she got a call from her sister saying that she has a business trip outside of Japan. As the week passed by, I see how much it is taken a toll on her. The bag under her eyes were dark and heavy. Her movements and speech are more sluggish than before. Syo and Ren seem to take notice of this as well as they ask her many times if she was alright. She would brush them off and say that she is alright. Although they were worry for her health, Syo and Ren take her words and let her be.

That was a grave mistake when the day of our performance has come. We manage to put together something, but I know that we were going to fail. So, when Syo, Ren, and I come back to where Teresa was waiting, the light in her eyes died out completely. Syo and Ren try to assure that it wasn't her fault and that they just need to do better on the remake, but it seems like she has not heard a thing they said. She slowly takes steps back before suddenly turning around and running out. We were all caught off, but we quickly chase after her. Luckily for her, there aren't many students in the hallway. Syo and Ren call out her name, but she never once turns around. It was when I call out her first name is when she turns around, but the timing could not have been worst.

She turns when she is right on top of the stairs. Her foot slips on the step and she goes tumbling down. Watching her falling down the stairs is like watching a movie in slow-mo. I stop right where she was before the fall. I couldn't move when I see her laying at the bottom. I feel my heart stop as she lays motionless. Unlike me who is frozen like a statue, Syo and Ren fly down the stairs and quickly kneel down by her side. Syo shakes her, trying to get her to wake up. Ren takes one of her arms and feels her pulse. Once he confirms that she is still alive, he goes and see if she has any injury before picking her up.

"We need to go to the infirmary." Ren said, making me realize those were the first words I heard since I watch Teresa fall down the stairs.

Syo nods before getting up and leads Ren to where the infirmary was. I mindlessly follow behind them. I was so lost in thought that I did not know we have reached our destination or the doctor already looking over Teresa for any injury that Ren has missed. I was only snapped out of it when I hear the doctor said that she was going to be okay but list out some health concerns that she notices about Teresa.

The three of us already know about Teresa's lack of sleep, but to also lack appetite is concerning. I hear Syo asked the doctor if there was anything that they can help Teresa with. The doctor said that as long as she gets rest and food, she should be fine. I said something to the doctor as I watch her leave the room. The infirmary is quiet for a few seconds before we hear rustling. Ren was the one to pull the curtain back to reveal Teresa awake and sitting up. I watch as Syo and Ren talk to her, trying to form words but couldn't think of any.

And I was left speechless when I hear Teresa said things that both Syo and I did not expect her to say much less want others to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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