Chapter 12

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The day went by fast. Too fast for my liking.

I enjoy lunch with everyone. I even got to eat more than I have after these passed few days. I was sad that we have to separate but I was looking forward to having dinner with everyone.

But now it is the end of school and the feeling of dread fills me. Just before class begin after lunch, Ichinose-san came up to me and said that he wants to work on our project after classes.

"Kokoro-san." Ichinose-san called out.

I flinch back but nod right after. I get up from my seat.

"I'll see you guys later." I said to Syo and Ren-san.

Ichinose-san walks out of the room. I scramble to catch up to him, not hearing Syo or Ren-san reply back to me. Once I catch up to him, I make sure that I was a few paces behind him. I must look like a lost puppy as I can see and sense eyes on me. I try to make myself smaller, but I don't know I success or not. I didn't know where we were going until I see the familiar sign. Ichinose-san did not wait for me as he walks in the library. I enter after standing there like an idiot for a minute. Ichinose-san looks around, but every spot has been taken. His face shows displeased as not only is there are a lot of people, but they are also quite noisy. I didn't need him to say anything as I know what he wants.

"I know a spot." I said quietly.

Not having to be told, I lead us to the special spot I found. I quickly make my way to my seat and start taking things out of my bag. Ichinose-san inspects the spot before approving it. He goes to the seat across from me and sits down. I still couldn't look at him directly, so I look out the window. I immediately see a familiar red head. Near the lake, I can see Haruka and Otoya sitting next to each other. I couldn't see their faces, but they seem to be enjoying themselves. I also spot a guitar in Otoya's lap. Before I can think of doing a little jam section with him, Ichinose-san grabs my attention.

"I already have some ideas on what song we can do." He said.

He hands me sheets of paper with a list written of it. I grab it and read the list. Most of the ideas are too generic, but I am too scared to voice it out. I also have a melody written out, but I also have no courage to let him see it.

"These are some good ideas to start with." I said, rereading the list again. "Is there one in particular that you would like to do?"

Ichinose-san tells me the idea and I work with that. We work on the song for a few hours before calling it quits. I honestly did not like the song as it seems so forced, but I couldn't voice it out loud. I look out the window and see that Haruka and Otoya already left.

"Let's continue this tomorrow." Ichinose-san said as he packs up his things.

I nod, mirroring his actions. We didn't exchange any words and go our separate ways. It hurts. To know that he is not the same person as he was when we were younger. Well, he is the same, but the way he treats me hurts. I stop in the middle of the hall to check what time it is and see that I have an hour before I meet everyone else.

Deciding on the spot, I go to my room and drop off my bag. I grab my guitar and make my way to the lake. Glad to see no one around, I sit in the same spot as where Haruka and Otoya sat earlier. I make myself comfortable before tuning my guitar. Once I am satisfied, I begin to play something. I didn't think about what I was playing. I just let my fingers do its own thing and let the melody carry out into the air. I pay attention to nothing but the music. I feel so relax that I did not realize there is someone listening to me. I jump out of my skin as I hear clapping behind me. I turn around and see Natsuki-san behind me.

"Sorry, Te-chan." Natsuki-san said. "I couldn't help but listen. It is really good."

I blush at the compliment from the tall boy.

"Thank you." I said.

I motion Natsuki-san to sit down. He takes the invitation and sits next to me.

"Did you write that song yourself?" Natsuki-san asked.

I look down at my guitar as I couldn't look at his face.

"I guess so." I mumbled as I pluck at the strings. "This is a really old song that I made with a friend."

"It is really good." Natsuki complimented. "Are you going to use it for your project?"

"No." I said.

I flinch by my quick respond. I look out of the corner of my eyes to see Natsuki-san's reaction. He didn't seem to be phase by it, so I relax my tense muscles.

"Oh." Was all Natsuki-san said. "I hope to hear the full version someday soon."

"I don't think so." I said.

Natsuki-san looks over to me. I can barely see his eyes because of the glare of his glasses. But what I can see makes my spine shiver. Besides the usual brightness, I see a little bit of darkness in the sea of green. I couldn't dwell on it for too long as I watch Natsuki-san getting up.

"I think we should make our way to the dining hall." Natsuki-san said.

He holds his hand to me. I hesitate for a minute before taking it and have him pull me up. I tighten my grip on my guitar, scared that I might drop it, as Natsuki-san pulls me up strongly. I would have fall back down on the ground if Natsuki-san wasn't here with me.

"Sorry." Natsuki-san said. "Are you okay?"


I straighten up. I check my guitar and let out a relief to see that it is okay.

"Are you sure?" Natsuki-san asked.

"Yeah." I said again. "Come on. We don't want to let the other wait for us because we are late."

Natsuki-san gives me a bright smile and practically drags me off. Unlike how Tomochika touched me, Natsuki-san's touch is different. I can feel the warmth from where his hand holds my wrist. I feel my lips curl up as my heart is also warming up.

"Slow down, Natsu-san." I said. "I need to drop my guitar first."

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