Chapter 4 Tamales on the weekend

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking at my front door. I fell asleep on my couch last night watching tv, I was worried about my dad. "Ali open the door" Someone yelled from outside my apartment. "Miggy where are your manners" Someone else who's voice I didn't recognize said. 'Miggy' I thought to myself, must be his mom. I opened the door and saw Miguel standing there, I looked to the person next to him putting out my hand. "I'm Ali Lawrence" I said, "Carmen Diaz" She replied shaking my hand. "Im Miguels mom" She continued. I opened the door wider allowing Miguel and Carmen to come inside, I had picked up a little bit last night so there wasn't as much clutter as there had been. "So what brings you across the patio" I asked Miguel as we sat down on the couch. "Well... I told my mom about what happened at the mini mart last night, she told me she wanted to come over this morning so we could go pick up your dad from the jail, she feels awful about what happened to him" Miguel replied. "Oh ok... well my dad gets let out in about an hour so we should probably start getting ready to leave soon" I shrugged while standing up. "I'm going to go get changed" I said while walking to my room. Miguel grabbed my arm before I could walk away completely and he lightly tugged me towards him, "still wearing Eli's sweater I see" he said with a smirk. "Ya it's comfortable" I replied, it also smelt really good but I wasn't going to tell him that.

When I walked down stairs my nose was engulfed with the smell of Mexican food, "Sorry my mom likes to stress cook" Miguel said while shaking his head. I looked over at Carmen in the kitchen she looked so focused on what she was making, I hadn't had a home cooked meal in years, the smell was incredible. "Hey Ali is everything ok" Miguel asked noticing my expression. "Ya, ya everything's great" I said with a smile. I walked towards the kitchen to see what was cooking on the stove, it was fresh hot chicken tamales. My mom had made these for me when I was younger but they never smelt and looked this delicious. I felt a tear slip down my cheek but quickly wiped it away as I sat down on a stool at my counter. I felt Miguel sit next to me and lightly grab my shoulders with his hands, "Ali I saw that tell me whats wrong" he said. I looked down afraid to admit how suckish my life had been the past few years, frozen pizza every night, cereal every morning, I was afraid of what he would think of me. "Ali!" Miguel pressured snapping me out of my worries. I looked over at him and took a deep breath trying to stay calm. "Its just I haven't had a home cooked meal in well... 5 years" I admitted releasing a breath of air. Miguel looked at me with sorrowful eyes, "Im so sorry Ali" Miguel said understanding my position and pulling me into a hug. I hadn't had a real genuine hug ever since robby and I were separated, I wasn't able to be happy without him. "Mija eat, please" Carmen said placing the plate in front of me. I looked up at her with thankful eyes before taking a tamale in my hand and opening my mouth, it tasted like heaven, it was like my moms but ten times better. "Gracias" I replied with a soft smile while picking up another one and placing it in my mouth savoring the flavor. 

When it was time to leave I picked up the plate and put it in the dishwasher, I wrapped the tamales in tin foil and put them in my pocket for my dad. Carmen and Miguel led me to their car and I got into the back with Miguel. The car ride was mainly Carmen and Miguel talking about school and grades, I just sat in the back of the car listening to the music that played on the radio. It wasn't any of the 80's music that my dad and I always listened to, it was more modern, it had a nice tune to it and the lyrics were ok, but it wasn't nearly as good as 80's music. Soon we arrived in the jail parking lot and a few minutes after my dad walked outside. I got out of the car and walked over to my dad. "rough night" I asked noticing the bags under his eyes. He just lightly nodded with a yawn as I grabbing his hand dragging him over to Carmens car. She got out to greet him walking up to him with an open hand, "Carmen diaz, im Miguels mom" She said. "Johnny Lawrence, im Ali's dad" my dad replied with a smile. There where practically hearts in his eyes when he looked at her, did he really have to be so obvious about it. "Dad your staring" I mumbled while hitting him in the arm with my elbow. "ow" He yelped out holding his shoulder. "Sorry" I whispered while laughing slightly at Carmens confused expression, good thing she didn't catch on. 

"Hey Johnny can i have a talk with you" Carmen said her eyes showing slight worry. "Uh sure" he replied while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Carmen and my dad walked away from Miguel and I and I could sense Carmens expression become more serious the farther away they got. I shrugged slightly worried while walking back to the car with Miguel, I didn't know him that well but I knew him enough to trust him. I sat down in the back seat next to him and turned to face him, he looked slightly scared staring at me. "Hey whats wrong" I asked. " i... um I uh i-" Miguel started but he couldn't seem to get the words out. "Miguel!" I pressured looking concerned. Instead of speaking he handed me his phone which was opened up to yasmines instagram account, goosebumps appeared on my skin when I saw the post. 

Caption: My uncle works at the valley police station, he hooked me up with this picture, last name Lawrence ring a bell

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Caption: My uncle works at the valley police station, he hooked me up with this picture, last name Lawrence ring a bell. Ya that's right Ali I know everything your dads done, I have his whole criminal record printed out in my hands, your lucky im a nice person, screw up one time and i'll release it to the whole school. Then everyone will know how f^cked up your family is. 

Seen by: @moon7253 @Sammantha.LaRusso 99+ more


moon7253: And I thought that she was just a depressed begging little sl^t, I guess theirs a meaning behind what an awful person she is. 

Eli.Moskowitz745: Thats really mean you shouldn't say stuff like that


Queen.Yasmine: Oh shut up lip

Comic.Demetri: Eli confidence doesn't get you anywhere remember. 

"What the f^ck is wrong with her" I screamed while throwing Miguels phone back to him. "I mean ya I f^cked her boyfriend but did she really have to stoop that low, I mean thats my dad" I continued still angry. "Its one thing to insult me, but my dad... this b!tch is dead" I finished still angry. Miguel sat there in silence and shock not sure what to say or do. "At least one person stuck up for you" Miguel said trying to pull out the positive in the situation. "Ya and then that one person got smashed with hate for it. I mean thats just a few of the replies, theirs like 50 more. Poor Eli, he doesn't deserve this" I replied even more upset. "Ali its ok he gets stuff like this all the time he's used to it" Miguel said reminding me of how long he's known Eli. (Its early October right now, Ali used to sit with Kyler and Yasmine until she f^cked yasmines boyfriend [she isn't a home wrecker yasmines boyfriend lied and said they had broken up] and decided to go sit with Miguel, thats when she met Eli and Demetri). "Ya I guess your right" I replied still a little upset. I wripped Miguels phone back out of his hands and I clicked on Eli's profile, he had 2 likes and 1 post, it was a picture of him and Demetri. Demetri and Miguel were the only ones who liked the photo, everyone else who saw it just left hate comments about his lip, this made me even angrier. "You don't know if he's used to this stuff, he might cry himself to sleep every night for all we know" I said changing my mind even angrier than I had been before. "Ali I highly doubt that" Miguel said in response, "Im sure hes fine" he continued. I just stared at him with a blank expression, maybe he was right. 

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