Chapter 5 Opening up

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Johnnys pov

I walked away with Carmen and when we were farther away from the kids her expression hardened. "Johnny why did Ali say that she hasn't had a home cooked meal in 5 years" She asked turning her head to face me. I was a little confused why she was being all nosey in our family business but I guess it was just a mothers instinct. "Well its a really long story" I replied while taking a deep breath in looking at the ground. "I've got time" She replied looking up at me. I nodded before I spoke trying to calm my nerves, I felt like I could open up to her, maybe it was her warm welcoming smile, or the soft kind tone in her voice. Whatever it was had me lost in a trance, "Well I grew up in a pretty rough household, I was a stuck up rich kid but my money came with a price" I started trying to build up the courage to talk about my childhood, something I had never done before. "My dad he yelled and abused my mom... I loved my mom to death, it killed me inside to see her like that." I continued, I tried to hide my emotions as we walked but it became harder the more I spoke. "I never had a meal cooked by my mom as a child, we always had maids and cooks running around cooking and cleaning for us. But thats not really the point, so I guess we should just skip ahead to Ali" I said taking a deep breath before I revealed my biggest regret. "When her and her twin brother Robby were born I wasn't there... I couldn't handle the thought of children and I walked out. When Ali was 6 her mom gave her up to me, she said she couldn't handle dealing with two children. She kept Robby and only allowed Ali to visit on the weekends, the poor girl, she loved her brother to death, and she still does" I reluctantly continued, I absolutely hated sharing storys of Ali's childhood, I continued looking down at my shoes as I spoke, I reminded myself of a shy little school boy lost in a crowd of voices. "I tried to fix things with Ali's mom but she didn't want anything to do with me, it hurt to know how much her and Robby neglected me. Ali was the only one who believed I could change. It took some time but I got better with my drinking problems, its still not the best but now Shannon is the drunk one(Shannon is robby and ali's moms name)." I continued with a sigh, 'only a little bit of the story left' i reminded myself as i continued. "I took Ali back in full time, she misses her brother terribly but doesn't really care much for her mom, it broke her when she gave her up. Shannon always wanted a son not a daughter so I guess she just thought that giving her up was the easy way out. Shannon always used to cook for them, and because I never had to cook as a kid I don't really know anything about food and stoves or whatever else people use to cook" I finished, I looked up at Carmen hoping not to see a upset expression on her face, I didn't want her to be worried about Ali and i's problems. "I'm so sorry Johnny" Carmen said while stopping and looking at me, she didn't necessarily look upset, she just looked sympathetic, she almost looked like she understood what I was going through, almost as if she had gone through something similar. She was absolutely gorgeous, she had to have a husband or someone in her life that she loved. She stared up into my eyes and looked at me before pulling me into a hug. I had never felt a real hug before, this was genuine and opening. I felt a warm sensation at the feeling of the hug, it was kind and heart warming. I smiled at the feeling of love and safety, I always thought hugs were overrated, but they were really one of the most incredible things in life. "How about you and Ali come over for dinner tonight, Miguel would love to have a friend over" Carmen offered. "That sounds great" I replied smiling widely. 

As soon as Ali and I got home I rushed inside to get ready, Ali seemed a little off, angry and slightly sad. I dont usually see her get sad, her sadness normally just becomes anger. I brushed it off and happily trotted into my room, I didn't have many clothes to choose from but I ended up picking a work shirt and some jeans, I figured that was decent enough. "Hey Ali does Miguel have a dad" I called out to Ali. "Of course he has a dad he needs a dad to exist" She replied trying to sound happy though her voice had a tone of sadness. "No I mean in the house... does Carmen have a husband" I said rephrasing my question. "Oh... uh I dont think so, Miguel has only ever talked about his mom" She called out in reply, I let out a sigh of relief knowing there was a chance that she wasn't married. "Do you like her" I heard Ali say closer to me. She was leaning up against the door to my room looking at me with a smirk. "" I lied trying not to let my voice shake. "What about you, her son is a handsome little boy" I asked trying to change the subject as quick as possible. Ali stared at me before answering, "Dad you know I don't do relationships, just one nighters like you did when you were my age, nothing serious" Ali said reminding me of her no relationship policy. She always claimed that she didn't want to be in a high school relationship because she didn't believe in love, she said that your partner will always lie to you and cheat you for personal gain because all people care about is themselves. I didn't believe a single word she said, she was just to scared of falling in love with somebody and I know she will never admit it but she and I know thats the truth. I shook my head at her trying to show her how stupid she was but it didn't seem like she took the hint. 

Ali's pov

I tried my best to hide my sad expression, I really never did want to be in a relationship, but not because I was afraid of getting lied to, cheated, or used. I was afraid falling in love, the thought of love scared me, committing to someone so much that you loved them scared me. I had heard about the thought of love at first sight but I never believed in it, everyone I looked at was just another person. Except for one boy who I couldn't seem to get off my mind, I didn't want to admit that it was love but there was a high chance that it was. 

Sorry this one is super short im splitting up the chapters by events instead of combining events together so it wont be as confusing! Also I wont be adding pictures of eli/hawk/jacob in the chapters that he isnt in so thats why there isnt one in this chapter or the last chapter. Leave your feedback in the comments! 

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