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        "Sain, I want you to know how proud I am of you."

        "Dad, don't speak, save your strength."

        "You remind me so much of your mother,"

        "You'll live to see her again, I swear it."

        "Sain, I'm sorry for leaving you, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

        "Dad, I can't forgive you..."

        "I'm sorry..."

       "I can't forgive you, because you were always there. You always provided me with wisdom and determination when I felt weak. No matter what, you were always there."

        "Sain... thank you."

        "I will fight for you father, but you will never die. May your strength be with me in my final battle."

        I grabbed my spear, now it was truly MY spear, and my longsword. I turned to everyone, with sorrow painting their faces. I lost a father, gotten scarred up pretty bad, and felt utterly weak. However, I knew that heading into the throne room like this would not lead us to victory. I smiled at them and with some false courage, I said,

        "Cheer up guys, there's no time to cry yet. We have one last bastard to hunt."

        "Sain? How can you-" Gisabelle started. I cut her off before she could finish, I didn't have enough energy to keep up my smile.

        "We can't let him have his way. Sure, we lost a few people who meant a lot to us, but that should be even more incentive to fight. Like I said to my father, our loved ones don't have to be right next to us to BE with us. As long as we have them in our hearts, and as long as we know that in life and in death they will protect us, they will always be at our side."

        Everyone began to fight their sorrows, Nathan was the first to pick up his spatha and raise it to the sky, "For Kylie, for Katie, and for my allies!"

        In an uproar, everyone raised their weapons and yelled their cause of fighting. At the very peak of energy, I strapped my sword to it's sheath, pulled out my father's spear, kissed my father's ring, and prayed for his blessing. I summoned the winds and lifted myself off the ground. Spear in hand I rushed towards the throne room with my army following me. "MOVE OUT!"

Two Worlds, One Heart. The Dreamer Saga: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now