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( 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 ! ) - real life

( 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 ! ) - real life

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Never did Amira Knight think she'd be going back to North Carolina; nevertheless, see Jimmy in person again.

Seeing Jimmy was supposed to be a one-time thing. She was just supposed to take part in a MrBeast video and then go back home to Los Angeles.

Nevertheless, here Amira stands, outside of the MrBeast studio. The anxiety pulsed through her body as she stared at the gray door with a squared MrBeast logo.

It took a village to get Amira on the flight to North Carolina. Despite publicly agreeing to go, Amira wasn't one-hundred convinced.

What ultimately lead to her decision was the phone call with Jimmy right before she booked the flight. It wasn't a long phone call, but it was all Amira needed to confirm that she did want to see Jimmy again.

Amira had to offer her gratitude to Owen, as that phone wouldn't have happened without him. The endless amount of nagging the man did get her to pick up the phone and call Jimmy.

It took a lot to admit, and Amira didn't want to, but she knew she had a little crush on Jimmy. She'd never say it out loud, but she knew.

Her left hand had a firm grasp on her suitcase handle, as her right hand tightened in a fist, tapping it against the door. She was waiting for a few minutes before hearing movement from behind the door.

The door opened, revealing the tall figure of the man behind the channel. The adoring smile of Jimmy was enough to make the brunette weak at the knees.

He was dressed in gray joggers and a black sweatshirt with gold lettering with the word 'Beast' imprinted in the middle. A Nike baseball hat was sat on top of his head, hiding his messy chestnut-colored hair.

Amira felt her heart skip a beat as her eyes locked with his. She nervously tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, timidly smiling up at him.

She didn't understand why she was so nervous. She was often so confident with herself and was always well-spoken. But now, she felt tongue-tied and awkward.

"Hi! I'm glad you made it, " Jimmy greeted as he pulled the girl in for a hug. Amira was taken back, but as soon as she felt Jimmy's arms wrap around, she melted right into him.

Her whole body scorched with a firey heat; her arms locked around his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Unfortunately, both pulled away, ending the embrace.

"Surprisingly, I am too, " Amira expressed as Jimmy lead her inside the warehouse.

"Surprisingly? What do you mean by that?" Jimmy chuckled, raising his eyebrow in novelty.

Amira shrugged, continuing to walk down the hallway, side-by-side with Jimmy. "I guess I just was nervous about coming here. But now that I'm here, I somehow feel glad that I'm here."

Hearing those words come out of Amira's mouth made Jimmy grin like a child receiving candy on Halloween.

Amira playfully rolled her eyes. "Wipe that grin off your pretty little face, Jimmy. I know what kind of ideas you're thinking about."

The grin Jimmy had on his lips grew wider like a Chesire cat. "Did you just call me pretty?"

Amira's complexion turned fifty shades red, miserably failing to word a sentence correctly. Jimmy watched Amira struggle, an elusive smirk cornering his lips.

"Hey, Amira!" A voice broke through the tension. Amira sighed in relief as she saw Chris walking over to them, with Tucker in his arms.

"Chris, hi!" Amira exclaimed, cooing at Tucker, who was beaming happily at the brunette.

"It's so good to you have back! We have this insane idea for a video, and you're perfect for it," Chris explained. "Not to mention, Jimmy hasn't shut up about you since you left."

"Chris!" Jimmy hissed at his best friend, shooting him a glare.

"You can't hurt me. I have a baby, " Chris claimed, snuggling Tucker closer to his chest.

Amira giggled at the exchange between the two friends. "It's nice to be back, and I'm excited to be apart of whatever you guys have planned."

"And to be completely honest, I don't think I haven't stopped talking about Jimmy, as well," Amira confessed, bitting down on her lower lip, glancing over at Jimmy who's jaw dropped. She took a quick gander over at Chris, who stared between the two of them in confusion.

"Oh?" Chris queried.

"Really?" Jimmy questioned.

Amira took a step closer to Jimmy, who was holding in his breath; he felt himself squirm under the gaze of the girl.

"Oh, yeah, " she nodded, taking another step closer to the man.

Amira stood right in front of him, watching him squirm at the proximity of closeness. "How could I not shut about you, Jimmy? I was able to win two-hundred thousand dollars from you."

She smiled sweetly as Chris busted out laughing. "Dude, she played you."

Jimmy playfully shoved the brunette away, chuckling to himself. "You're gonna get it."

Amira crossed her arms over her chest. "And what's that, Jimmy?"

Jimmy smirked, his eyes sizing her up. "Guess you'll find out, Amira."

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