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( 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ! ) - real life

( 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ! ) - real life

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Laughter erupted through the room, filling the white enclosed bedroom. It was drawing near sunset, a hue of bright orange-blazed against the striped black and white sheets. Her mellifluous laugh was sweet-sounding, as sweet as honey.

It was the way she laughed that made the corners of Jimmy's lips turn up. Her nose wrinkled, along with her eyes fluttering shut for only a brief moment.

Sometimes, if she were hysterically laughing, she'd clap her hands together like she was the seal lion. Those were times Jimmy fell more in love with her. The times where Amira Knight was wholly and utterly herself, unfiltered and raw.

"Why are you staring at me?" Amira asked, catching the longing glance from her boyfriend.

Jimmy grinned. "Because you're beautiful."

Amira rolled her eyes; a smile grew on her naturally pink lips. "Did you really quote The Fault In Our Stars?"

Jimmy nodded, a taunting smile painted on his lips. Amira shook her head, leaning her body more onto his. He softly grazed his fingertips over her tanned arm, arising goosebumps on her skin.

"For someone who doesn't watch movies, I'm pleasantly surprised you know pop culture," the brunette remarked.

Jimmy glared down at her playfully. "Hey, I'm watching a movie with you now."

Amira giggled. "Only because I begged you to watch Freaky Friday with me. This is my comfort movie, and I wanted to share that with you," she expressed, giving him a brief peck on the lips.

Jimmy brought her lips back to his, letting their kiss last longer. "And I'm happy you decided to share that with me," he softly spoke, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Besides, I had to get you away from all the anime you watch. Can't be dating a weeb, now can I?" Amira kidded, lightly tapping his chest.

Jimmy scoffed, clenching his heart with remorse. "That cuts deep, Amira. It hurts that you can't accept me for who I am."

The brunette-haired woman snickered, tilting her head to the side. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" She asked, pitching her voice up an octave higher.

Jimmy sadly nodded, pouting his lips. Amira pecked his lips once again, pulling back with a grin. "Did that help?"

"A little," he muttered.

She pressed her lips against his once more, this time lasting a few more seconds. "How about now?" She questioned as she moved from sitting beside him to sitting on his lap.

Jimmy curiously raised his eyebrows. "I'm definitely getting there," he admitted, placing his hands on her thighs.

Amira smiled sheepishly, biting her lower lip. "How about now?" She asked again; this time, her lips captured his own passionately.

A passion and fervor were laced within the kiss, a hunger that grew with each passing second.

Her fingers twisted in his hair, giving it a light tug. A groan erupted from the back of his throat, gripping onto her hips.

Jimmy pulled back for a brief moment, glancing down at her swollen and redden lips. "I'm so much better now, " he breathed out, grabbing onto the sides of her neck and kissed her.

Amira giggled against his lips, making herself more comfortable by leaning down onto his body, so they both were lying down. "I'd feel better if you'd put that mouth to better use than talking, " she voiced out in a moan, with Jimmy's lips trailing down from her neck to her collarbone.

Jimmy immediately looked at Amira, his eyes wide and a laugh bursting out from him. "Woah, Amira. I didn't realize you were that horny," he taunted.

Amira smacked his arm, groaning. "I meant kissing me, you idiot!"

Jimmy chuckled, "I knew what you meant. But there definitely was a double meaning," he winked.

Amira rolled herself off of him, lying down beside him, earning a questionable and confused look from Jimmy. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Well, we already did the first meaning. Aren't you gonna do that second meaning?" Amira challenged, a coy smirk toying on her lips.

Jimmy was taken back, eyeing her briefly before he pounced.

Buzz buzz buzz!

"If that is Karl asking you to finish whatever anime you're both watching together, I'm going to lose my fucking mind."

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