The Sun Bladers

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     "Uh, where are we going?" Shasa asked, following Valt. After their battle, Valt decided to take her to a place that can help her train and get stronger and they're walking there right now.

"We're heading to the Comets." Valt said.

"Comets?" Shasa repeated.

"Yeah, it's a bey club and there are two special people I want you to meet. They even have Flare, just like you do." Valt said, Shasa was confused by this but agreed.

Soon, Valt and Shasa were standing in front a building with a huge beyblade logo with a few windows.

"We're here!" Valt said and walked and Shasa followed up.

When the doors were sliding open, she was met by two loud voices arguing.

"You can't attack straight on!"

Shasa looked around and her eyes landed on a 12 year old boy. He is an average-height with slightly tanned skin, lime-green eyes, smooth blue hair styled in a 9-piece mohawk with light-blue tips, and an orange half-sun tattooed on his right cheek. His attire consists of a turquoise-blue dress shirt, a yellow tie, a short-sleeved navy-blue Letterman's jacket with light-blue sections on the sleeves and pockets, an "H" on the left flap, a yellow sun on the back, orange baggy pants, and black sneakers with turquoise-blue cuffs and three-sectioned stripped tips, and yellow laces, and a fingerless green-cuffed teal glove on his right hand.

"Why not!? I wanna crash right into them!"

Shasa looked to her right to see that the boy was arguing with what seemed to be an 11 year old boy. He was short with spiked-up crimson hair with two small bangs on each temple, fair skin, red eyes, and, like the other dude, has an orange half-sun tattoo, albeit on his left cheek. His attire consists of a black sweatshirt with an orange sun symbol on the front, a crimson-red hoodie with a yellow interior, orange pockets and an orange sun on the back, a white belt with a grey buckle, dark-blue shorts with a white-stripe on each leg, crimson-lake compression pants, white sneakers with orange mudguards, tips and cuffs, and a fingerless green-cuffed teal glove on his left hand.

These boys must be brothers because of the similarities between them.

"Hyuga! You can't just go into every battle, expecting to win with just attacking! You have to have a plan!" The blue boy said. 

Oh! So the boy with the red pineapple hair must be named Hyuga Shasa thought.

"C'mon Hikaru! Attacking will ware down their stamina and we'll have more energy to vroom vroom and bash right into them." Hyuga argued.

And the dude with the blue rooster hair is called Hikaru, huh? Shasa also thought.

"Yo!" Valt called out.

"Huh?" Both brothers stopped arguing and looked over to see Valt waving at them.

"Valt!" Both bladers greeted with a smile and ran up to them.

"What're you doing here?" Hikaru asked, obviously exited to see him.

"Well, I want you two to meet someone here." Valt moved aside a little bit, showing Shasa behind him.

"H-Hey." Shasa nervously waved, she could tell these two might be a handful.

Both Hikaru and Hyuga looked at her, surprised and confused.

"Who is she?" Hikaru asked as he slightly pointed at her.

"I'm Shasa...Shasa Guten." Shasa introduced herself.

"She's a really good friend of mine, she's also apart of BC Sol." Valt mentioned.

"BC Sol? So you two are on the same team!" Hikaru said and Shasa nodded.

"She's a pretty strong blader...and she used a Limit Break System bey." Valt said, now Both Hikaru and Hyuga are surprised. They didn't know someone else used their "invention" too.

"Really? That sounds awesome! Let's have a battle!" Hyuga quickly challenged.

"What? No way! I wanna battle her!" Hikaru nudged Hyuga but Hyuga nudged back.

Both brothers growled at each other and jumped back, seeming like they're gonna attack each other.

"W-Wait, hold on a second-" Shasa was then cut off and deadpanned as she found out that Hikaru and Hyuga are going to settle it with Rock, Paper, Scissors.




"And Go!"

Both brothers chose their items and Hyuga won with a rock to the scissors.



"Alright then, Hyuga's up first." Valt said.

"Alright! Battle time!" Hyuga cheered.

Few seconds later

Both Shasa and Hyuga were standing on opposite side of a normal bey stadium.

"This is, Hyperion Burn!" Hyuga showed up his beyblade. Shasa looked at studied it. It was a right spinning attack type. She knew Hyperion had the Xceed + Driver which has speed.

"Cool! Meet Surge Saturn!" Shasa showed off her bey.

A right spinning balance type Hikaru thought, now was wondering what else her beyblade has in store.

"First Battle!" Valt announced.

Shasa decided to switch Saturn in to defense mode for this round.

Both bladers got into their launching positions.

"Ready? Set!"

"3!" Hyuga threw his launcher in the air and caught it.

"2!" Hyuga then locked his bey in above his head

"1!" And then he pulled his arms down to the height of his waist.

"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers did a sparking shoot with Hyuga have the sparks form a circle around him.

That's Valts launching style!!! Both brothers mentally said in their thoughts, surprised that she has the same launching style as the number 1 Legendary blader.

Both beyblades landed heavily on the stadium with Hyperion spinning around the stadium and Saturn guarding the center.

"Hyperion! Crash right in!" Hyuga yelled out and Hyperion quickly spun towards for an attack.

"Defend it off!" Shasa said.




Hyperion sent a barrage of attacks towards Saturn.

"That's it! Keep on vroomin' and crashin'!" Hyuga pumped his fists forwards and back.





With all the attacks, Saturn seems to be holding it's ground fine.

"Nice!" Shasa grinned.

"We'll knock you off right here and now!" Hyuga said as his red flare surrounded him.

Hyuga curled up into a ball as sparkles surrounded him and then extended his body while calling out his special move.

Shasa then also decided to power up and a light blue flare surrounded her. She spun left around like a tornado and gripped her fist with a sword aura in her right fist as she also called out her special move as she swung it across.



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