Xander's Training

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     Toko and Nika found themselves starting at Shasa with wide eyes. She was sitting on the ground, panting, catching her breath, her face was sweating, she was breathing heavily. 


Right after Shasa agreed to train with Xander, she found herself standing on top of a pointy rock i a cave, standing on one foot while her arms were stretched out. Xander explained about strengthening the core and improving balance. Yeah, lets say she fell down a couple times.

Still in the same cave, they had to hang on top of the shards of the gave, grabbing on so they don't fall. She almost slipped but caught herself.

Next up, Shasa had to run up with a tire on her back, running up flights up stairs up a mountain. Xander said it will train mental strength and focus. She now feels carsick. 

Next up was to do over a hundred pushups to strengthen their arms. Shasa felt as if her arms were about to fall off!

Lastly, they sprinted all the way back to the Dojo. Shasa felt like her legs were about to break off any second.

Flashback ends

Shasa was lying on the ground, her entire body wanted to rest. Then, she suddenly felt someone above her and she opened one of her eyes to look up.

Xander was standing good and tall next to her. She sometimes wondered how in the world is he not tired yet.

"You did pretty good for you first time! You actually handled this training better than Valt and his friends." Xander laughed. Shasa got up and sitting with her legs crossed.

"So Valt did this training too?" Shasa asked and Xander nodded.

"Yeah, but he did it one time only." Xander said with a grin.

'YEAH NO WONDER, THIS TRAINING COULD KILL ANYBODY!' Shasa mentally screamed in her head. Letting herself know she will never do that type of training again.

"But! I bet you got a good exercise from that!" Xander said, and even though she didn't wanna admit it. She nodded, that training actually boosted her strength and balance. Her entire body is still on fire though.

Then, her stomach grumbled. She blushed as she held it with both hands.

"Hahahaha! Seems like you're hungry! Now then, let's grab a bite to eat!" Xander said with that grin. Just then, Toko and Nika brought out their backpacks and took out beybread.

"Lucky for you, our mom made some beybread for you guys!" Toko said as he handed one to Shasa and Xander.

"Man! Thanks a lot Toko, your moms cooking is the best!" Xander said as he bit in the bread. So did Shasa, she knew how Valt really loved this stuff and who could blame him, this ultimately became on of her favorite foods now.

Toko and Nika decided to eat too.

While they were eating, Xander decided to start up a conversation.

"Say, have you guys been keeping with the legend festival?" Xander asked, all of them looked at him confused but then they noticed what he was saying.

"Actually no! Guess we forgot." Toko said as he sweatdropped and scratched the back his head. Xander laughed.

"Well it seems they're gonna start off with team battles in the God arena!" Xander said and all of them looked at him in shock.

"Really?" Shasa asked, she remembered the God arena, that's where the most famous tournament was held, the God Bladers Cup. Its the place and tournament where Valt earned his World Champion title.

"Yeah, the legendary bladers are going to battle in teams of two there." Xander said.

"Did they announce the pairs and the matchups?" Nika asked and Xander nodded.

"Who's Valt with!?" Shasa quickly asked and a little loud, everyone looked at her and she suddenly blushed. 

"Well someone's excited!" Xander grinned as he pulled out his phone scrolling his finger on the screen.

"Well it seems Valt is going to be teamed up with Free and their going to battle against Rantaro and Silas." Xander said and let Shasa think on her own thoughts.

'So he's with Free huh? Man, I really feel bad for Rantaro and Silas.' Even though they were all friends, Shasa has to admit. Valt and Free are at a league of their own above Rantaro and Silas, but then again, Shasa herself isn't better.

She wants to get stronger, to battle Valt and surpass him, but she has a long way to go and she can't just sit around and do nothing.

"Oh! There's also another interesting pair!" Xanders voice said, snapping Shasa out of her thoughts.

"What is it?" Nika asked.

"It seems the World Champion, Aiger is going to be teamed up with the new rookie legends, Hikaru Asahi!" He said.

'Hikaru Asahi? Never heard of him.' Shasa thought before Xander continued.

"It also seems their going to battle against Lean Valhalla and Hyuga Asahi!" He finished.

'Hyuga Asahi? So wait, Hyuga and Hikaru are brothers huh? And Lean Valhalla, I remember seeing his bey at BC Sol, I wonder if they're strong.' Shasa thought to herself.

"Hyuga, Hikaru and Lane? I've never heard of them before." Toko said.

"They're actually new rookie bladers that became legends. They've been accepted to the tournament because it seems Hikaru has defeated Free and Lane defeated Free andLui Shirosagi too.. And since Rantaros brother Ranjiro experienced and injury, Hyuga took place in for him!" Xander explaiend.

Now that surprised Shasa.

'That Hikaru kid defeated Free? And he's a rookie? Not only that, but also Lane is a rookie too and defeated Lui AND Free!? Just how good are they?' While having these thoughts, Shasa couldn't help but feel jealous. Xander said that they're new bladers while she has been blading for over four years and never in her life did she defeat Free nor Lui.

Xander saw her expression and figured what she was thinking.

"Hey Shasa!" Xander said and Shasa looked up at him in confusion.

"Hey, how about we battle? Let's see how far you've come!" Xander said with a wide smile and lifted his fist out to her.

Shasa at first was surprised, but then smirked, if she was gonna get stronger, than she needs to keep moving forward and someday, she'll defeat Free and Lui too! So Shasa, in excitement, gave her response:

"Alright! Let's go!" 

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