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Hello everyone sorry for not being able to update this book for a long time A lot of shit's been goin on recently but I shall be postin a lil more actively hey Ymirson come and do a disclaimer

Aight *cough cough*  Gilgamesh doesn't own RWBY, The elements from Naruto, highschool DXD, songs, photos, or characters. The only original idea is semblances and this idea.
The characters and world of RWBY belongs to Rooster teeth. Myself Ymirson is based on the character of Issei from Highschool DxD created by Ichiei Ishibumi and Miyama-Zero, AYANA is based on siv the ruthless from For Honor which is owned by Ubisoft, and Caitlyn fairest is based on a dnd character. *Deep breaths* the songs resist and Bite belongs to Sabaton, The only ones is owned by Kisses for kings ft Johnny 3 Tears, Get it Right is Owned by HalaCG, and Soldier is owned by Fleurie. Damn Gilga why so in depth?

To keep myself from being sued.
Have fun reading and leave any criticism in the comments

[ On a Bullhead]
We see jaune, Ozpin, professor Goodwitch, Qrow, and teams RWBY, a newly formed JNPR, with Jaune's former sister Jeanne Arc as the new leader, CRDL, and CFVY heading towards a landing pad in the middle of the forest.
After another 15 minutes the Bullhead lands and everyone gets off and looks towards Jaune to lead them to the location to get the three people.
Jaune understood the looks and sighed
"Fine follow me but do not annoy them with questions about their weapons, any knowledge about dust, political views about the White Fang, or anything else that can irritate them. You got the team RWBY and Nora." Jaune said as he walked off before anyone could answer towards the cabin. After three hours of non stop walking the group came towards a decent sized cabin with some of the lights on.
"Please take off your shoes before entering the cabin." Jaune said as everyone followed his example and took off their shoes and entered the cabin only to be surprised that Jaune had caught a bearded axe was thrown at his face.

"Really Ayane throwing an axe at me after not being here for a few months. You're aim and speed is getting better though. So where's Caitlyn and Ymirson?"
Jaune asked as a woman with blonde hair in a braided ponytail came out of the kitchen holding the other axe in her left hand. She is currently wearing a Gray sports bra and Brown Sweatpants and some sandals. This is Ayane Kyoudou second viking in the group.

"Caitlyn is upstairs sleepin after a long day teachin a militia and Ymirson is currently attending a meetin for his book the Creation of the Yggdrasil." Ayane said as Jaune looked upset and sat down on one of the couches

"So we gotta wait a few days before we get to go to beacon." Everyone looked a bit confused as to what jaune said

"What do you mean by that Jaune-Jaune?" Nora asked as Jaune sighed

"Knowing Ymirson he's probably gonna go straight to bed for a day after he gets back from the book signing so make yourselves comfortable and please don't touch the mead in the kitchen." Jaune said as everyone went to go do their own things in the cabin

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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