1. Harvest

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I see the roof of my room, it's a kind of a type of white corroded over time, I stay one more leaning currently waiting for my mind comes from that wonderful dream I had, he wakes up and realizes the harsh reality, during that time I can only think of "today is a day of harvest, will leave chosen and surely die"

My eyes began to fill with tears to be thinking about my impending doom if today resulted chosen from the guys in my district, I have fear of dying, fear of never seeing people I love most, after a while I get up from my bed I saw, my clothes are a little dirty and old, but all I can treasure as truly mine.

I am Edden a boy of 15, my young age I have lived and experienced the worst atrocities of the Capitol, they killed my father kidnapped my mother and became an Avox, took my two older brothers and sent to the Games two consecutive years, and now I'm sure it's my turn I'm the only one left in my family, the only one other than my old grandmother, a wonderful woman of 60 years, the only remaining loose ends to tie up.

Today was no conversation during breakfast, there has always been the case, every year on the day of harvest from the Capitol was proposed to eliminate my family three years ago there were 6 family members, and one missed three of them, makes two were 3 members, and this year we are only my grandmother and I finished breakfast and head to the bathroom, my grandmother has prepared me the only clothes in good condition that I have, sort of special clothing for events as the day of harvest.

- Look at that handsome these, as handsome as your father. _Ha My grandmother said with his voice tired by the time, by sadness.

- Thank you_ smile.

- You know I'm proud of the family I had, of thee, of thy brethren, ... _Su voice began to fade.

We both knew it was my turn, what we sensed we have given a hug for me was eternal, the best I have received in my young age, we separated the sound of the call to introduce in the square, I smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

- I am too. Finally _.

In the square the usual ornament each year, flags Image Capitol trying to cover the moldy walls of the Justice Building, today would be a very special vintage, as first President Xavier would appoint Taxes these Games, surely wanted to witness closely the total drop of my family, all District 3 was waiting for the new Mr. President.

>> I remember three years ago the Justice Building the place of death of my father became, by order of the President my Father was executed before the inhabitants of the District and televised throughout Panem just before being appointed Taxes of that year; my mother was taken to meet the needs of some cretin Capitol ... And my older brother was elected male Tribute, were difficult times, times are not forgotten <<

- Welcome, surely surprised to the fact my visita_ began talking in his slow and full of quiet voice. Today ends a threat to the Capitol, a threat to Panem, this day three years ago punishment for those who tried to circumvent the power of the Capitol began, today I come to give closure and conclusion to the case moon or what remains of the and this in order to make them see all the families of Panem your life, your family, your future is in our hands. -

Upon hearing the Moon Family, a lump formed in my throat, as someone who has committed so many atrocities talk, I had to restrain myself before you can shout what he really thought, but was afraid to do harm to my elderly grandmother, support the rest of speech for her, after that she would be alone and maybe a little peace and sanity would be rewarding for her.

- Today our male tribute I is undoubtedly our pequeño_ Moon said mockingly. Come on, goes're the lucky.

I do not even deigned to disguise the fact that dying to introduce myself as a tribute, I went to the dais no longer see my even a small sign of fear alone, I stood next to him and listen for the name of my fellow District ...

- The tribute woman these 3rd New Hunger Games is ... Karla._ said the official presenter of our district.

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