explaining! + chapter 4

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heroes do exist, just not deku and all that, it's all the pro heroes except that UA doesn't exist. the big three are now successful pro heroes, they went to a different hero school. Instead of a heroic world, this world is more like a unworthy one, a corrupted one. heroes can be bought with money and only a few heroic heroes stand, all might, endeavor, best jeanist and hawks. some other heroes retired swiftly after getting their money. Mirko got hired by another mafia so that leaves 4 heroic heroes that haven't accept any money yet. endeavor's son, shoto todoroki is in the mafia as well, leaving only natsuo and fuyumi. the big three aren't corrupted, yet.

I hope that explains better and you guys! I got 5 views on my 1st chapter which means so much to me, it sounds pathetic but tysm! <333 anyways, lets go on with the chapter!


"where are we going oneesan?" Eri's pale face, she looked tired and underweight, you all barely got fed whenever the experiments started. "I don't know, we'll find out together okay?" you tried to sound convincing and reassuring.

A small shade of city light shined on your vehicle. "heroes..." Eri smiled a little, "heroes will save us right!" she tried to look bright and happy, "yeah! we're gonna get some help from heroes!" you chuckled, driving to the city.

"we're finally here." the both of you got amazed, being trapped in a house 24/7 didn't make it better. A small city light meant hope and wishes. 

"let's get some food." you took out the small wallet, "I took it from the men." you smirked, eri walking with you side by side. "can we get this?" she pointed at the bowl of noodles, it seemed very delicious and the both of you were starving. You two were stuck in the vents for a few hours, missing dinner and lunch. 

"sure, you can have it." you smiled, ordering it for her. You looked around for the nearest hero agency, a small glimpse of heroes would be so much better.

Shoto's POV

Isn't that y/n chisaki, the one that Bakugo wanted so badly. How is she outside without any guards, she seemed lost. I went up to her and tapped her shoulders, her fast reactions led to ehr protecting herself, exposing her bruises everywhere. 

"sorry, miss. i was wondering if you need any help. I am a hero myself." I lied, I would never be such a pathetic hero like my father, a selfish and greedy man. he doesn't deserve to be called hero.

"a hero?" her eyes sparkled with bleam. "Yes." maybe I do feel bad for her, she looks so confused and idiotic, Bakugo would love her innocent self.

"eri-chan, we have a hero with us!" she happily gave me a huge bear hug. The young white haired girl smiled at me, her smile so pure and happy. Too bad this town is corrupted, no one will point out the fact that I belong in a mafia gang i guess, how sad.

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