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A.N:When she's mad or sad or disappointed then she speaks Russian. When she's confused or sad she speaks Italian and any other emotion is English.
Da'Gabrial Liddell
Saint Petersburg,Russia

I just woke up and seen that it was still dark out so I looked at the time

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I just woke up and seen that it was still dark out so I looked at the time. 3:14. Ugh I just wanna sleep. So I got out of bed and made my way to my daddy room. I knocked on his door and waited to hear him say something but he never did. So I went ahead and opened the door and seen he was sleep. I walked to his side of the bed and climbed on it. Then I just laid on top of him and put my head on his chest. Then I felt his arm wrap around me. "что случилось, принцесса(what's wrong princess)" I sighed and responded. "я не могу спать, папа, и я тренируюсь утром после школы(me can not sleep daddy and I have practice in the morning after school)". "хорошо ложись и ложись спать(well lay down and go to sleep)". I did as said and rolled over and laid behind him. Then got under the cover and felt him wrap his arm around me. So I asked him to sing me a song that he sung to me since I was a baby. "развеселить ребенка, не плачь. больше не слезы его время поднять настроение. смейся со мной, и ты будешь счастлив, счастлив, счастлив(cheer up baby don't you cry. No more tears it's cheer up time. Laugh with me and you will be happy,happy,happy.)". As he was singing my eyes slowly closed.

7:00 am

So my daddy just woke me up for school and I just needed to get ready while our maid cooked breakfast. I went to my closet and picked out my uniform and got in the shower.

(Skip the shower because wtf I look like)

I put on my clothes and then went to dry my hair. I brushed it out and then I grabbed my gel and hair ties. And I did a swoop and put it up into a messy bun. I grabbed my backpack and purse and ran downstairs. I put my backpack and purse on the couch and went to the kitchen. I seen that my plate was already on the bar so I sat down and said my grace and started eating.

Once I was done I was waiting on my daddy to come downstairs so he could drop me off. But he never did.

30 minutes later

He finally came down and went to the kitchen. I followed him into the kitchen and seen him eating. "papà quando mi lasci a scuola sono già in ritardo(daddy when are you going to drop me off for school I'm already late)". "stasera ci trasferiamo ho ricevuto un'offerta di lavoro speciale in Inghilterra(we're moving tonight I got a special job offer in England)". I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. "ты сделаешь это, как только я найду друзей и начну танцевать. Вы сказали, что мы никогда не переедем из моего родного города, так почему именно сейчас. да, почему ты должен принять это дерьмовое предложение о работе и расстроить меня, Джорд.(you're doing this as soon as i get friends and start dancing. you said we would never move from my hometown so why now. huh why must you have to accept this shit ass job offer and make me upset, Jord.)". I grabbed my stuff off the couch and bump my shoulder against him and ran upstairs. I locked my door and started throwing everything. I threw my tv off it's stand and trashed the rest of my room. When I felt like I was cool, I leaned on my wall and cried.

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