Chapter One: World Of Chances

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I woke from my unsettled sleep first at 3:30am I needed water, then at 4:25am I had to pee, then at 5:30am I thought of a really cool dance move and just had to try it out!. At 6:30am my mum walked in the room "come on Gabriella it's time for school" she walks to the end of my room and opens my curtains, the sunlight directly burning into my dialated pupils. I yawn and point to the door for her to leave. Yeah you could say i'm not a morning person, I grab my metal bar on my bed and pull up stretching my back until it cracks then flop back onto my bed, I throw my feet off the edge and graze the carpet with my feet, I rise slowly rolling through my spine taking a deep breath until I feel relaxed. I press play on my beats pill 'really don't care' blasts out I turn it up and go take a shower, I throw my used pjama's in the wash basket and brush my teeth. I go back into my room and pick out my outfit for the day. I wear my grey boyfriend t-shirt with my black skinny jeans, I throw on my acid washed denim jacket and grab my leather backpack for school. I pack it full of school books and 'just incase' items. I carry a gym bag too full of my dance gear. I throw my ombre hair into a pony tail my naturally curly latin hair flows softly down my back, I put on a natural makeup and then race downstairs. 

My little sister sophia greets me at the bottom of the stairs, she's five years old and absoultely adores me. She races past me and grabs my legs "I made you breakfast" she says and points to the mess of squashed bread and butter. I laugh "thank you baby girl looks amazing" and take a bite I wait until she has left the room then throw the food in the bin and grab an apple. I place it in my bag ready for school. 

Mum I'm ready I yell grabbing the car keys and getting Sophia and Blaze in the car, Blaze is my little brother he's 3 months old. My mum races to the car with Sophia's school bags and throws them at me in the passenger seat. "Gee thanks" I say saracasticly. She drops Blaze and Sophia off first she goes to her childminders before school because my mum has to get to work. Me and my mum then go to starbucks and grab a coffee before she drops me at my friend Maya's house then rushes off to work. 

I get to Maya's house and pass her and her mum a coffee I bought them from starbucks, I sit drinking my coffee and slowly scrolling through my newsfeed as Maya runs around like a headless chicken trying to find all her things for school. It's quiet except for the heavy sighs of Maya's dissapointment and frustration when she looks for her belongings and they're not where she left them, you can hear the thuds of her feet on the floor boards and her mum throwing in a scarastic comment here and there which causes me to chuckle and Maya to scowl at me.

We get to the foyey in school and our friends run towards us screaming "Ayyeee" "girl did you get taller" "oi bitch you didn't text me back" and many other profanities I won't mention. We aren't popular in school but we have our group of friends and that's all that matters. We have Cole, Collin, Colleen, Lilly, Maya, Hanna, Braydon, Ella and Ryan. That's our group made up of drama queens and dancers.

School goes by slow we have five periods starting with maths first period on a Monday morning, I'm not a bad student my grades are at a B average which isn't awful. The rest of my lessons are pretty easy, English, Drama, P.E. and ICT last period. 

After last class me and the crew go grab food from across the street at the supermarket cafe then race around in shopping carts until it's time for dance class. 

It's starting to get dark so we check the time and class starts in five minutes we run to the dance studio which is about three blocks away, we race into the changing room and rip off our clothes swapping them for our dance clothes. 
We walk into the dance studio trying not to make a sound. "It's nice of you to join us" my coach says sarcastically "you're welcome" I reply back she rolls her eyes at me. We have a four hour session two hours of contortion and two hours of aerial silks. 

At the end of class my coach announces there is a competition to go to L.A. and dance with some of the top aerialists from the Cirque Du Soleil: Quidam tour. The excited squeals burst off the wall as I sit there with a slight glaze in my eye day dreaming of my routine I was going to make. I snap out of my day dream as my class start to clap and stand to leave. I grab one of the posters my teacher left for us to grab and race out of dance juggling my belongings. 

I get into my dad's car and show him the flyer "looks good" he says barely taking any notice of what I am showing him. "I'm compeiting" I say to him expecting him to actually look at the poster "that's nice" he says I sink down in my seat and huff. He could atleast listen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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