13. Games

430 9 16

( You're Signing and speaking Kuroo and Kenma are just speaking )

I was currently in the passenger seat of Kuroo's car on the way to his house. Faster cars by loving caliber was playing in the background as I leaned my seat back looking out the window. I could feel someone sparing glances at me every few minutes. At first it was unnoticeable but now it was getting kind of annoying. I turned my head to face Kuroo taking in his side profile for a couple secs before speaking up. "Is there something on my face? Why do you keep looking at me"
"Says the one who was just staring at me a couple seconds ago"
"It was because you kept staring at me when I wasn't looking"
"I just wanted to ask something"
"You sure do want to know a lot"
"Well how else am I supposed to get to know you" he glanced over me holding eye contact for a few seconds before focusing back on the road "okay fine ask away"
"Are you single?"
That question caught me all the way off guard. I'm not even sure what to say should I explain the situation? It might give him mixed signals, he honestly doesn't seem like the type to try and make a move on someone who he just met. Although I am in his car, on the way to his house, after just meeting today.
"Hello y/n you listening"
"You didn't answer my question. Are you single?"
"It's complicated"
"Okay so I take it I can't ask you on a date?"
"I mean you could but I wouldn't say yes"
"Okay....okay strictly friends it is"
"Yea.......just friends"
I turn my head to look out at the passenger window. All the shops and houses flying by with music playing in the background. Kuroo and I don't talk much the rest of the ride but it wasn't awkward it was actually really nice. If you listened closely you could hear him singing along to the song and man did he sound good. He could sing me to sleep anytime. We turned down the street and passed by an ice cream shop that I made note of to have kuroo buy me some. I assume we're getting closer because we've started to slow down. "We're almost there"
I gave him a small nod before looking back out the window. They live in what seems like a quiet neighborhood with a bunch of 2 story houses . We drove for a little longer before Kuroo pulled into the driveway of a beige two story house. I stepped out the car and looked up to see only 1 room that had the light on.
"Kenma must be up c'mon" I followed Kuroo into the house taking of my shoes at the door leaving me in just socks. We walked up the stairs and entered a room with guy in the middle. He had short dyed hair with the roots that were in desperate need of a re dye. He was wearing a black tshirt and gray sweatpants and boy did he look good, I couldn't see his face because it was glued to the screen but I had a feeling.
"Oi kenma this is y/n I told you they were coming over today"
Without turning around he greeted me
"Hey y/n I'm kenma" he was was quiet and it didn't help the fact that I can barely hear so I didn't really catch anything he said. Shoot, I don't think he even said anything. I leaned over to Kuroo so he could hear me over the sound of video games in the background
"What did he say, he's so quiet I can't hear him and it doesn't help I'm hard of hearing "
"Kenma you're going to have to speak up y/n is hard of hearing" Kuroo walked past me and laid down on the bed before gesturing to go up to Kenma. Walking over I sit next him far away enough so that he has his space but close enough to hear. He gave me a quick glance before looking back at the screen. "I'm sorry but I could barely you, shoot I can barely hear anything" letting out a breathy laugh I looked back up at the screen before it came across me. This is my favorite video game. "No way you have this game and you're really good at it...wow" I sit back in amazement as I watch him play smiling to myself. "You like this game?" "Do I like this game? Its only my favorite one. I used to play it in my free time but I haven't been having much of that lately" he gives a small nod before getting up and going to a basket besides the tv. He pulls out a black controller and hands it to me. "Here we can play together and see how bad you've gotten" I gave him a smile and turned around to Kuroo who was looking at us. He mouthed a "wow" before shaking his head in disbelief. I guess Kenma doesn't let a lot of people play. I turn to face the screen before getting into a serious mode. Let's see how well I can play

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