This is one of kion And Rani's daughter mkail as a little cub
This is the mkail's sister manail it means queen she and mkail and one of the male Cubs are in the same liter
The male who is liter mate with manail and mkail his name is mallen and it means strong little warrior
This is the younger brother of manail mkail mallen. And his name is Mirza it mean I think prince In Swahili and his younger sister is midra
She has different eyes closer but is still in work but this is midra kion and Rani's youngest daughter
This is makil a little older
Mkail and kion
This is mkail looking at the stars with her grandfather simba you realize how hard it is to try and make him look older 😫
This is mkail and her uncle baliyo
This is mkail and her sister manail as teenager I just hadn't added it but they have the mark of the night pride