Santa Gets In An Accident

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"Hold on, I'll get you out of here," Thomas said in between breaths. There is no possible reason why he did not think ahead on this one, but Santa Claus was extremely heavy.

St. Nicholas shifted in his arms slightly and muttered, "It's painful... I have to get better before Christmas..."

"I know, I know. Don't worry, the hospital isn't far- it's just around the corner, I promise. They'll help your leg, and hopefully, no one figures out that you're real." Tom felt himself sagging the longer that he carried Santa, but he knew that he couldn't risk failing. This was important, for everyone's sake.

It wasn't long before he made it to the entrance of the hospital. As soon as he walked in, he yelled, "Help! His leg is broken!"

Nurses looked up from whatever they were doing, and about five of them rushed over to help. They lifted the weight from Tom's aching shoulders and took Mr. Claus away.

A different nurse walked over to him with a clipboard, paper, and pen, asking Tom, "Name? Age? And how did it happen?"

The pen clicked as soon as he started talking. "Um, I don't know his name- I just saw it happen. He was in too much pain to tell me, and he didn't have an ID on him. I'd say he's in his 70's to 80's- not sure. As for what happened... well, there was a guy who came up to him and said, 'Santa isn't real, you moron,' and he then proceeded to shove him to the ground. He slid across the tile floor and hit his leg on a metal pole, which broke it."

"Okay... give us a moment and he'll be in the system. Can you describe the culprit?" She questioned.

"Right. I think he had dirty blonde hair, pale skin... sort of gaunt, as though he hadn't eaten or slept for a while. No facial hair, though, and he was wearing a red beanie, a red shirt with an army-green jacket, and jeans." Thomas finished quite out of breath, but considering that he had just hauled a man to the hospital known for being on the heavier side made it more acceptable.

"Thank you sir. I'll call the police and let them know who to be looking for. Your friend will be in room 13b on the 3rd floor, if you want to visit him," she mentioned, then turning to leave.

Tom nodded in thanks, then walked over to the elevator and pushed the up-button. Now to see how Santa Claus was faring with a broken leg and a broken heart.

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