chapter one -

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chapter one –

Jae Hee

The windows of my room stretched from the floor to the ceiling. I sit on my bed, staring into the soft glow of Seoul's skyline. Babel Pharmaceutical was generous with my room. I had my bathroom, a desk, a closet, and a bedside table. Everything was sleek, shiny, and new. The lamps even had price tags on them. I guess it was compensation for making us work day and night. I wonder if I'd get to use this room at all.

I walk to my closet and take a peek inside. Two sets of white lab coats were hung from wooden hangers, my name already embossed in a silver nameplate above my heart. It said "Dr. Bae Jae Hee", and LABORATORY ANALYST, BABEL PHARMACEUTICAL was written just below it in smaller font. I trace my name over the engraved company name and immediately, my mind wanders back to Chairman Jang. I have no idea why I reacted that way. I felt nervous in his presence; not scared but a little wary. You can never be too cautious here.

Since I was too tired to dry my hair, I lay on my pillow even if my hair was still damp. I close my eyes, and not a minute later, I fall asleep.

My alarm rings, jolting me awake. I turn it off and sit up, rubbing my eyes. I immediately notice an itch at the back of my throat, a tell-tale sign that I'm about to have a cold. I should've dried my hair last night. I begrudgingly get up and approach the mirror and, indeed, my cheeks were more flushed than usual. I sigh in frustration. Great, first day of work and I'm sick.

I got ready in half an hour. For good luck, I wear my favorite yellow top under my lab coat. I check my watch and realize I have a little bit of time to kill before I clock in. I still have time to go to the clinic for some colds medicine. I gather my bag, which only had my laptop and phone, and make my way outside. My co-workers from the next rooms were also on the way out of their dorms, and we greet each other good morning. I walk to the elevator and down to the lobby, approaching the front desk. Kyung Soon was already there. She waves happily from behind the desk. I chuckle; how can she have so much energy so early in the morning?

"Dr. Jae Hee!" She says "Looking for the cafeteria?"

I shake my head. "No. Do you know where the clinic is?"

She nods and points at the elevator. "Fifth floor, end of the hallway."

I nod and make my way back. I start to sniffle; my colds are getting worse by the second. I fight the urge to sneeze, as there were other people in the elevator with me. Finally, after what felt like forever, I arrive on the fifth floor. To my disappointment, the lights in the clinic were out. It might still be closed since it was only 6:30 in the morning. I peek through one of the windows on the double doors and lean slightly. To my surprise, the door opens a tiny bit. Yes! It was unlocked. I push open the door just enough for me to slide through and shut the door quietly behind me. The room was dark and the blinds on the window were shut. I feel around the wall for the light switch, but I couldn't find it. After half a minute, my eyes adjust to the darkness. I make out a small cabinet in the corner and I assume it was the medicine cupboard. I trudge across the room slowly, my arms held out in front of me just in case I bump into something. I reach the cupboard and turn on the flashlight to read the various labels on the bottles.

"What are you doing?" a voice calls out in the darkness. I drop my phone in surprise. I hear the screen crack as it hits the ground, and I crouch to pick it up in a panic. But the voice says "Stop. Don't pick it up."

The flashlight was not working, and the room was in darkness once more. I make out a figure sitting on the clinic bed across the room. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was just as surprised as I was. I can tell he was trying to figure out who I was as well, so I speak to break the silence.

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