Magcon fanfic chapeter 1 and 2 everything has changed

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Magcon Fanfic chapter 2 - everything has changed

Alicia POV
I got home and got myself a snack. Grahm crackers and Nutella. I got a text from Nash:
N- ill pick you up at 5:00 we can get pizza

M- thanks <3

N- do you have hw?

M- no, do u?

N- no

M- ok

N- i gtg ill see you ltr

M- ok bye

I finished my snack and put on a outfit (in set). I just relaxed and went on social media.

I searched up Nash Grier on twitter (yes he told me) and I found him. He was really popular. Ill ask him later.

Soon it was 4:45

I got a text message from shawn saying that he was on his way.

I replied: kk

-------skips to when Nash comes-------

Nash POV

I knocked on 'her' door. The door opened revealing a elderly lady. I heard a few girls start screaming "OMG ITS NASH GRIER!!!!!"

I run to the car and decide to ask her.
It turns out I was one door too far down. Im in a hoodie, shorts and vans. (if he would never wear that sorry!)

I knocked on her door and she answered. I gave her a hug. She looked beautiful.

"You look beautiful" i say

"You look handsome." She replies

----------------Skips car ride-------------
Alicia's POV

When we got there he bought us pizza and drinks. I got mad when he wouldn't let me pay.

I guess ill pay for the snacks then.

Nash took my hand and led me to the other guys.

I kept on tripping over things so he decided to carry me on his back.
I refused, im heavy he will topple right over.

" no its not happening "

"Ya it is, unless you care to tell me why not."

" Fine, its because im to heavy, you would drop me." I whine

" Riiiiiiiiight.....get on."

So i hop on his back and he says,
"You are not heavy."

"Yes I am."

"No you are not."

He puts me down gently on the bleachers next to the guys.

I pull out my phone and txt Mahogany.

M- hi

LOX- are you at homecoming?

M- ya

LOX- which bleacher?

M- the middle why?

LOX- so i can sit with you duh,

M- k

I see Nash coming back from the food place. He has a huge thing of popcorn, sour patch kids, Hershey bars, lifesavers and skittles, for Matt.

The speaker came on and suddenly Mahogany was singing the national anthem. OMG SHE HAS SUCH AN HEAVENLY VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!

After she came and sat down next to me. I congratulated her. She sweetly said thank you.

With one look of me she asked if i did gymnastics or cheer, ever in my life.

"Ya i was really good too." I say

"What happened?" She asks

"We moved." I say in a disappointed tone

"You know they have cheer and gymnastics teams here to right?" She tells me getting excited

"Really? When can i sign up!" I ask practically shouting over the crowd

"Just ask Mrs. Lola, the gym teacher." She says.

"Ok, i will tomorrow at one of her games." I reply.

I was cuddling with Nash when
everyone started getting up and running to the top of the bleachers, I followed. There was a fight.

Soon the police got involved and everything was fine. No one was arrested.

I walked back down and Nash comforted me.

I was the end of the game and we were walking out.

I felt a hand go over my mouth and a blindfold over my eyes as I screamed.

I felt Nash turn around cursing. He punched the guy in the nose which made him let go.

I stumbled forward blindly and was caught by Nash.

He took of the blindfold.

"Are you ok?" He whispers, comforting me.

"Y-y-yes" i stutter breathing heavily.

"Its ok now, its ok." He whispers

"I-i-who was that?" I ask

"That was Kyle, don't get involved with him." He replies

"Lets go home." I say.

------------skips ride home---------------

So I got home and got dressed. Nash was about to leave, but i asked him to stay.

We laid cuddling in bed. I wore plaid sweats and a black sweater. Its really cold at night.

Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes.

I walk downstairs and hug Nash.

We ate, he is a good cook.

He leaves because mom wants him to babysit Skylynn. Ive seen pictures, she is so adorable.

I walk to the 10:00 game and meet with the coach. It turn out that i just have to do one test and if im in the top 45 girls i can join both teams. I try out. The results would be posted tonight.

--------------skips to tonight-------------

I was texting mahogany about a shopping day tomorrow when i realize that i have to check the results.

I told her that i would see her tomorrow and that i had to go.

I looked on the website, excited and i found the list for the people who made it. I scroll down and........


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