Chapter 6: If I only had the power

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Now, the 5 friends were approaching a shunting yard. They were just leaving, when they heard a whistle. Puffing into the yard was another engine. The engine was painted dark green, with red lining, and a number 3 on his tender.

"Again, that engines looks familiar." Said Thomas.

They also noticed that the engine was struggling with his train. 

"He looks like he could need some help." Percy puffed.

Percy went over to the green engine.

"Excuse me." He puffed. "But, do you need any help?"

"Yes, please!" Panted the green engine. "I can't keep up with this load on my own!"

Percy helped the green engine into the shunting yard, and got his cars onto a siding.

"Thank you." The green engine smiled. "I could never had done it without your help, because I was never given strength by my builders."

"No problem." Smiled Percy. "Maybe you could come with us to see the Wizard of Railland! He could give you some strength!" 

"That's a great idea! My name is Thomas by the way. That's Edmund, Gerald, Johnny, and Percy." said Thomas.

"My name is Harry." said Harry.

"Percy and I are going to see the Wizard so we can go home." said Thomas.

"I'm going to get a brain." said Edmund.

"I'm going to get a heart." said Gerald.

"I'm going to get some courage!" said Johnny.

"I'm going to get some strength!" said Harry.

Now, the 6 friends have a long journey ahead of them, they are closer than they think of getting to the Diamond City, hoping that their wishes would come true!

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