Chapter 9: Railland, the Grand and Mighty

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The group walked down the long and green hallway to where the wizard was.

"I don't know about this guys, maybe we should go back!" said Johnny.

"We can't go back!" said Edmund.

"But I'm scared to ask!" said Johnny.

"Then we'll ask him for you." said Thomas.

"Ok, thanks!" said Johnny.

They walked on a little more before Johnny cried out again.

"What is it now?" asked Gerald.

"Somebody pulled on my tail!" said Johnny.

"You did that yourself!" said Gerald.

"Oh sorry!" said Bobby.

They group walked to the end of the hallway and up to a throne.

"I want to go home!" said Johnny.

"I am Railland! The grand and mighty! Stand forward!" said a voice from the throne.

Thomas decided to step up first. After all, ladies before the gentlemen. As he went up, a royal prince dressed in red appeared. 

"Who are you?" asked the prince.

"I am Thomas, the young and innocent!" said Thomas.

"And I am Percy, the young and innocent, too!" Percy Added.

"What do you seek?" asked the prince.

"We want to go home to Sodor!" said Percy.

"SILENCE!" screamed the prince.

Thomas and Percy ran back to her friends. Edmund stepped up next. As he did so, the prince became a ball of fire that burned bright.

"Who are you?" asked the ball of fire.

"I am Edmund!" said Edmund.

"What do you seek?" asked the ball of fire.

"I want to have a brain!" said Edmund.

"SILENCE!" screamed the ball of fire.

He went back so fast that he almost fell on the floor. Gerald trembled up next. The ball of fire became a great beast that was half a bear and half a tiger.

"Who are you?" asked the beast.

"I am Gerald!" said Gerald.

"What do you seek?" asked the beast.

"I want a heart!" said Gerald.

"SILENCE!" screamed the beast.

Gerald almost rusted himself solid since he was so scared. Now, it was time for Johnny to go up. When he did, the beast became a head.

"Who are you?" asked the head.

"I am Bobby!" said Johnny.

"What do you seek?" asked the head.

"I want to get courage and be the king of the forest!" said Johnny.

"SILENCE!" screamed the head.

Johnny fell backwards to the ground. Thomas helped him up. The head then became a mountain as Harry puffed up to him.

"Who are you?" Asked the mountain.

"I am Harry!" Said Harry.

"What do you seek?" Asked the mountain.

"I want to have strength." Said Harry.

"SILENCE!" Shouted the mountain.

Harry ran back, and bumped into Thomas' front buffers!

"You will all get your wishes. Like most wishes, there is a price." said the mountain.

"What is it?" asked Thomas.

"Bring me the broomstick of Diesel 10!" said the mountain.

"How do we do that?" asked Percy.

"That is for you to figure out! Now go!" said the mountain.

Johnny dashed down the hallway and jumped through a window.

"Wait for us!" said Edmund.

The group ran after him.

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